When was your..

no, not 1st time! ;D

but your last time you've been really enjoying your visit @the cinema??

Somehow this moment occures to be ages ago for me (hi²u LOTR), since whenever i went to cinema lately i had this feeling "hey wtf i want my money back =(".

Is it only me or do the movies slightly loose their quality? S: These kind of movies you've been looking forward for ages to watch are very rare and even if they exist they kinda have the tendency to disappoint (hi²u Indiana Jones IV)

I gotta admit, "American Gangster" and lately "The Dark Knight"[/b] were about to bring me back in my beliefs but after all it's also an overrated movie, eventhough perfectly casted with a brillant playing Australia Heath Ledger.

image: Joker460
I mostly watch movies at home, but I epicly enjoyed Die Hard 4 and 300 at cinema.
300, National Treasure 2 x2, The Dark knight

In that order
The Dark Knight and LOTR so pretty much time in between.
that's what i mean, so much time in between where no movie as LOTR was able to create a thrill of anticipation =(
Idd, most of the new movies are produced in relatively less time than most good movies. Alot of movies are just fast made crap to earn easy money imo.
keep the hands away from the mushrooms &_&
oh yea, forgot about that one
Dark night was the last film I saw @ the cinema, and was also one of the best in the last few months
The matrix. Best movie of all time.
Obviously, you only watched shit yet.
how come? Matrix IS indeed a good movie (the first... the others sucked)
Yes, it was a good movie. But that doesn't make it to the best ever.
That's why it's called an opinion.
True.. I agree it's certainly not the best ever, but if he thinks it is, it's not up to you or anyone else to say he's only watched shit movies. Anything art is up to the beholder to judge. Both you and I don't agree the matrix is the best movie ever, but apparently he is of the opinion it is.
Story-wise matrix comes pretty close to that indeed, although both sequels (Reloaded & Revolutions) are pure moneymakers :/
Deep blue sea last movie i watched cinema :DDDDDDD
the ONLY fun moment in that movie was when samuel l jackson was about to do his infamous "im gonna speak up and it will get louder and more exciting with every sentence I make" retoric al stuff and right in the middle of it some fucking shark snatches him.. best moment of that movie.
Hehe, the same should've happened in "Snakes on a plane" after "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!". (Just with a huge snake instead of a shark ofc;)
whahaha yah, that would've at least given us ONE moment of fun in the entire "snakes on a plane" movie :P
Actually, a shark in appearing in just that moment would be in fact pretty genius :p
The biggest problem is the shear amount of new movies coming out and our expectations about them. We're simply spoiled imo. Go watch a movie that you thought was the uber shit about 15 years ago and then watch it again today and compare it to anything that came out lately that you thought was "decent enough".
Yea, nowadays every outcoming movie has "the same level", there isn't anything special anymore, compared to lets say 5-"10" years back in time.
I agree, it was better in the old days :'(
last movie enjoyed @ cinema - The Transformers
Well I got one particular friend with whom we liked to find some stupid things from movies and giggle to them like little girls and maybe also disturbing the crowd. :D I think I enjoyed the cinemas most with him lol. :d

But I really enjoyed all the LOTR-movies.

Black Hawk Down $$$ only movie I went to cinema 2x, I suppose I will watch DK one more time tho
Dark Knight
I am Legend (tho ending was poo)
Die Hard 4

totall waste of time in cinema, want my money back:

aliens vs predators 2 (lmao)
star wars random part
day after tommorow
war of worlds
war of worlds was ok, abit random
scary movie 4 <333
scary movie 4 > war of worlds
bitch gtfo retard
retard gtfo bitch
oops replied at wrong one, but you're retarded to
rofl about AvP2 IDD :D:D:D:D: what a joke plz!!

Black Hawk Down, prolly 1 of my favs, you somehow "feel" that they took this movie serious, you kinda see what efforts are behind that great acting: http://www.military.com/ContentFiles/BHDmoviePR
you're joking aren't you? :/
no :/ i watched it with friends + we smoked weed before also i think its an great action movies (and ye i probably know alot more movies then u before u ask :P)
i wouldn't bet about that if i were u :p

im pretty much nolifing when it comes to movies :D

about rambo4, the action scenes are ok but plz look at the dialogues ... :X
ramboIII>*, right?
come on who watches a action movie for the dailogues:-( but u probably didnt watch stalker 3-iron magnolia and movies like that
Gladiator I guess (I haven't seen The Dark Knight yet)
:O your are very lucky man if u watched that movie in the cinema
I was only 13 :p and yet I still have some memories of it
cool that must have been epic moment at that age, i mean his son gets killed and his wife raped and burned pretty heavy stuf
epic I don't know but a great one, I wouldn't deny it !
after seeing movies like the godfather, donnie brasco or the assasination of jesse james etc, i cannot enjoy newer movies..they are just lame and boring and happy end and that stuff..it's just not real anymore (if you have seen those movies u know what im talkin about :(
the godfather is overrated imo, I noticed you are a big al pacino fan :P so am I, I saw all of his movies but 2 or 3 and I think he played in way better movies than the godfather

*hint that's just my opinion ofc*
well i dont think the godfathr is overrated, really not it has a great atmosphere and it's not like modern movies with silly actors or stupid dialogues or boring happy endings, it just a "real" story (thats what it feels like)
and yeah al pacino, for me, is really the greatest actor. i really enjoy every movie he is in, because he has something that makes movies really authentic :)
wehn you talk about al pacino you must ofcourse think about scarface, carlitos way, donnie brasco, heat, the devils advocate, any given sunday, oceans 13 etc which were all great actings by him, but especially donnie brasco was a very impressive performance (maybe even the best) in my oppinion
along with Serpico, A Dog Day Afternoon, Scarecrow, And Justice for All, Scent of a Woman, The Insider, Insomnia

they are less known, but as you said, al pacino can make movies authentic and unique thanks to his big charisma and personality =)
well true Serpico, A Dog Day Afternoon, And Justice for All, The Insider were great too especially the first 2 ones imo, the rest i havnt seen yet but im sure they are worth a watch :D
Scent of a woman was great, love that movie
I can't see how The Dark Knight is overrated.

The casting actually was close to perfect;
and i'd of said the same for the storyline.

Top 3 in no particular order:

The Dark Knight
I Am Legend
Ratatouille :D
Ratatouille +1, one of the "better" animation movies i've seen, that's true. It doesnt have the usual 0815 storyline :p

Dark Knight's casting is idd close to perfect but the story is imo a bit flat


I Am Legend - this movie lives from Will Smith, take him away and u have not very much left that makes this movie adorable, but i kinda liked the movie also.
2004 if i remember right, back then the movie world was still "ok" ;)

i liked it :P

great atmosphare
nice 6pack of Brad Pitt, gives me motivation to do workout! :D

*sigh* :D
One of the worst movies I ever saw in a cinema.
i was young

i had no clue

i liked it

Never went to the cinema, actually don't fancy watching movies at all sometimes at friends and tv
tbh i went to Wall-e last time i went to the cinema and i really enjoyed that movie didnt had the idea of wasted money.

although The Strangers on the other hand had to be a thriller but the everybody was more like "wtf is this.." like there had to be a "scary moment" and you actually hear most of the people laughing xD.

its like lately its a sport to produce a movie as fast as possible doesnt matter if its crap, there are only a handfull of good movies that come out. The rest has high expectations but turns out to be another crap movie:S
I am Legend
Dark Knight
American Gangster. Went to Get Smart 3 days ago, a real piece of shit.
uff. well, i think my last cinema visit was at "300".
somehow i dont watch that much movies at all... :/
Disturbia is one of the best ive seen
definetly lotr or the night special on halloween with scary movie 1-3 :D it was fun everyone who came in costume got some horror movies dvd's :D
why goto cinema when you can download and watch at home...
why go fuck when you can use your hand...
true, you said that...
Cinema's only fun if you go there with mates imo. Last time I've been to the cinema I think was for Borat with two mates and we laughed hysterically, non stop.
The Dark Knight and Iron Man. I warez almost everything.
lolkino :D
how is ur summer vacation?
nais, what did with money? new waterpipe?
we (me and frnd) just bought waterpipe for 60 euroz, very nais
Pirates Of The Caribbean. Expected much less from the movie and got positivly surprised.
I don't go to the cinema too often as mostly i don't have time when undubbed movies are shown which is only like one random movie every month.
I hope you aren't talking about the last Pirates.
nope, the first one
Hitman, Indiana Jones 4, the Dark Night in that orden xd
The Dark Knight
I am Legend
National Treasure 2

Sadly I missed Cloverfield, Rambo 4 and Live Free or Die Hard.
Definitely NOT yesterday.
300 <3

I am legend was boring, Newest indiana jones failed.
hi2u LOTR!
Hmmm i ma just wondering why everyone says that 300 is uber pwnzord movie!!!111
imho it sucks hard.. all the storyline happens in the first 8 minutes and then, there is only fight... if it would be a GOOD fight like lotr or so, but imo its fail....
Because its 2 hours of fantasticly beautiful fighting. It's perfect for the big screen. At home it just sucks.
300 on a really really good cinema was OMFG WOW!!!!!!!!
Good question. Last movie I've seen was "Hancock" but it sucked donkey balls! Can't really remember which one I've seen before that one ..
300 & transformers is what i really enjoyed watching
last movie i really enjoyed in the cinema was prolly pans labyrinth because i didnt expect anything of it. All the hyped movies you always expect to be great.
Running Scared (2006) and a few weeks ago Wanted (2008)
greatest film i EVER saw in the cinema : saving private ryan.

special effects 10. storyline 10. acting 10 . and i love warfilms anyway.

ok it was years ago, but still , im old :(
i cried at the end of it =,(
Casino Royale. Before that LOTR.
The Dark Knight & before that Star Trek: Nemesis
big problem is the bad sound-quali of most cinema's, also that the movie isn't all over the screen
i dont remember.

i would like to see Black Hawk Down in the cinema... so i can be half-deaf for 2days
Only good movieZ: Walk the line, i'm not there and maybe transformers and Black Hawk Down.:p
yesterday night @ youporn
I don't go to the cinema that much, only for really special/promising movies. And since I don't like the genre of LOTR, it's been ages since I went. I don't even know which movie I went to last, I think some Dutch movie.
And please fuck off with Heath Ledger. If it wasn't for his death, nobody would even consider calling him a good/special actor (maybe some drooling 16 year old girl).
b-b-b-b-b-buullllshitttt! :D
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