Wolfenstein Ironsight

Dunno if anyone has seen this screenshot yet, but it looks like the Wolfenstein sequel is slowly morphing into a Call of Duty copy. Thanks Raven!
... and i thought they want to make it enjoyable for RTCW and ET players...
Blood is very realistic. *THUMBS UP*
EDIT: maybe if you would think you would realize the blood is a layer added by the magazine to block the swastika's by m1lk

I'm asking myself how Raven programs their games... "Uhm... Yeah... Um, whats... Whats cool, dude."

image: wolfenstein_iron-sight
thougt the same.
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no ironsight plzzzz ><
posted 3 days ago.
i think i'm gonna cry :x
not everyone refreshes crossfire 24/7
I think he's just a bot, refreshing crossfire twice a minute, watching out for content which was "posted x days ago".
LOL, nice warning level he has... :)
i got 40 points for racism/discrimination and 31 for "old spam" (2001!).
and i thought you're a nice guy... :(
So you can check, which content was added, within the last 3 days.
ye but I wasn't here 3 days ago MYSTIC MEG !
yes, i hope there will be vehicles 2
I got used to iron sight thanks to cod4 and I like it . It adds some speed skill, lotto and you can decide which one you want to use !

:)))))))) YEY
Yep, i play some cod4 aswell, but when i want cod gameplay i play cod and when i want wolfenstein gameplay, i play wolfenstein.
if this thing doesn't offer some serious gameplay it will fuck up like quake wars... but hey, we can play cod 6 -.-
don't worry . It's gonna be allright :) As long as you would need a few bullets to kill a player
it's gonna be perfect. if not, shooting 23 bullets to kill someone from close distance with iron sight is ill .

that's why cod4 works with Ironsight .... you're quick - you kill !
iron sight is making a game slower because you're more accurate while in the sights = camp
but hey, if this game turns out to be an epic fail maybe ID and Raven notice that they can't shit all over the fans of their previous games in the series...
I understand that everyone likes diffrent things . Something from my own experience with cod4 :

I got used to running and shooting (ET) so that's how I play COD4 . I turn on iron sight
all the time when I see more than 2 enemys .I can't camp :P I turn on Pistol with silencer and run towards red points on the radar . And then I pull out smg . It's hard to get a fragger this way as you can't get killing sprees (airstrikes,chopper) but I do get multikills vs 3 - 4 .
I simply enjoy it in my own way which is not a proper way of playing that game :)
But hey ! I play on pubs only.
amen, i always run and get killed like a random
Indeed. That the game has ironsight doesnt mean it doent have the wolfenstein gameplay :) Tbh, I think it would be a nice addition to implement the iron sight with the normal ET/RTCW gameplay.
yes ironsights add so much speed so its almost like playing a racing game
Imho thats not blood, just some kind of "supernatural power" which shows u their headhitbox... anyway, i think it could be removed by some pro mode...
Then they have some serious troubles with their hitboxes... Look at the guys in the background. Enemy in the skies. :D
Bollocks. Looks like ET may not be killed by RtCW2 :D
Wolfenstein: Call of Quakewars!
Might be ! or Wars : call of wolfenstein
rofl what is this gfx?? :DDDD this should be a NEW game? ROFL

ET with moviecfg > this shit
i dont really get this..why are they copying the style of other ego shooters like call of duty ?
There was no other game like rtcw or enemy territory...why didnt they continue making a game like this ? would be much better because it would have his own style and it wouldnt be a cheap copy with low graphics -.-
i think somebody's going to start a petition :D
why the fuck would they make the same game? brain damage ftw!
look at the graphics ....looks 100% like call of duty

btw its also possible to make a post with an insult nowadays
not insult, truth :Y
Comment reserved for fuzz.
maybe if you would think you would realize the blood is a layer added by the magazine to block the swastika's
you're obviously too smart for this community
oh, didn't notice... but since games got cultural assets they can display them now in the games..... i think. :>
Welcome to Germany :/
so thats how the game is gonna look like in germany :D
congratulations for doing it right. first think, then post. :)
It are portals to that other world they have in this new Wolfenstein.
you're obviously too smart for this community
Fail game. >.<!
Ironsight is the main reason why i hate all those other shooter games :(
iron sight in new wolfenstein game is epic FAILl in my book!
ironsight is fine.
go play cod!
i do play cod2 and it's an good game, i don't think introducing ironsights will be the end of the world for wolfenstein if they keep the movement, etc.
its the end for me because i'm not gonna buy it if it contains ironsight
oh, in that case raven will surely not implement it!
i hope they read my comment :D
the blood splatters look very realistic
They included the first hack....

look @ the blood... mostly on the heads of the enemys!!!
lol i love the blood, this will be so funny to see some noobs playing that version: D.. and you really thought it ws gonna be good? nothing ever ever will beat enemy territory, unless someone with a huge amount of money and huge amount of passion for this game decides to invest in a real improved Enemy Territory
learn to read, the blood is added by the magazine to cover the swastikas
omg you think you r smart? you r a fucking stupid noob. Learn to respect your superiors, go back to fucking kindergarten get pwned in playing marbles, maybe you ahve a chance there to look cool..
thats right bitch, rofl that pussy for me :)
he's just polish
I don't want to believe someone can be as retarded as this guy, sorry
thats why you r called cuntface
like css :D
older than RtCW
I'm a tetris prO np
get the fuck out with your ironsights, it'll ruin the spirit of ET!
isn't this at least the third version of this journal?
maybe there will be no ironsight in multiplayer
what's iron sight btw?
da ge kunt 'inzoomen' met uw gun zoals op de pic
oh, leuk, net nu ET dood gaat gaat RTCW2 ook dood
dacht onmiddellijk hetzelfde toen dak da las:)
een oldschooler die akkoord gaat me mij wooohoooo
Wolfenstein will from now on be known as CoDMoD
great, I heard u can kill dragons faster with that ironsight thingie
how bout that little cooky crooky
to be honest, single player will sucks without iron sight
omg ironsight = rtcw2 is total failure
Looks good. Why the hate? You don't like evolution of gaming?
nice evolution going straight back to cod1
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