Moving House!

On Tuesday I am moving house and leaving home! Having graduated from university and had the summer back home on Tuesday I will move out from my parents place and move to Canada Canada Water (central london).

I cant wait, where I live now is in North West London which is great if you want to go to heathrow but if you wanna get into central london it takes 60/90 minutes depending on where you're going :`( Now though, I'll be right in the thick of it! I'm right on the thames in a really nice secluded area with some nice canals and riverside pubs. Dont worry though foonr is leaving london and going t' yorkshire for uni, so the crossfire geo admin distribution will be the same

The flat is nice, if not a bit small! The kitchen is not the biggest and my bedroom is the smallest but it still has a double bed and plenty of storage. However the livingroom is HUGE with a massive and really comfortable sofa and a plasma tv that comes with the house, oh and of course a lovely balcony over the thames!

Some Finland Peoples make journals about moving house and forget to include any pictures, fortunately im not one of those horrible people!

View from the balcony
LivingRoom 1
LivingRoom 2

The downside is, I cant get any Sweden Internet in that area because the exchange is overused! I can only get Poland BT which is really rubbish and costs a lot :( Plus nobody can install internet for a while, so I will be offline for a week!!!! What the heck is someone to do without internet for a week.
river! can't be cheap :X
higher chances of drowning, sounds perfect!
Hb btw rofl
little stuart leaving home :'<<

EDiT: Why do you get the TV too? tf
Comes furnished!
Looks nice. Have fun!
When are u going to make a first big party?
looks nice but i dont like the furniture though, looks kinda old..
nice place m8..have fun -.-
sponsored by xfire user ;)
Bachelor pad ! Jeez that can't be cheap.

QuoteWhat the heck is someone to do without internet for a week.

Wank furiously, dig a hole to china or count to eternity.
I had to turn my head for a full 90 degrees to be able to see something, now I broke my neck :(
lol i went to a illegal warehouse rave there last friday, it got to like 1am everyone was raving when the police were outside, the people who organised the event barricaded the door shut and then the police got some battering ram and broke the door down and stormed inside with their plastic shield and their battons, was really stupid since there was no violence inside and they were just causing agro, fucking naabs
looking forward to that experience
to lazy to turn the pics ? :D
looks amazing, really enjoy your self and i must admit im damn well jealous. good luck with the move :D. nice to know what my ad clicking payed for.
some parties incoming? I rented the other part of my divided flat so that I wont get a roommate. been setting up the appartment now, got a huge corner sofa now and the place looks like an UG Partyhouse (or will, in near future)
Stop writing journals and start planning CDC 5!!!
hvae fun with the mosquitos :)
invite some hot chicks into your new bedroom!
Canada Canada Water is a district in London like China China Town?
Wow butchji, so bright!
Can't catch up with the dutch Einstein aka perfo!
That's what I wanted to hear all day!
Nah its not a district for canadians or anything, its just the name
Wow. Looks really nice, should be easy to settle in there :) grats
If TosspoT wasn't the writer of this journal, most comments would be like "see me care, #care, ..."
see me care, #care, ...
lol it doesnt matter if u rr 24/7 @ lans lolol
That is one fucking ugly couch what the hell???..
it doesn't take an hour to get to somewhere in central london if you wanted to go all the way to the other side of london it'd take an hour possibly less even on central line
god bless xfire !
If someone bombs your apartment, you can jump out of the window.
Looks nice! I also moved to a new apartment in central Helsinki, after getting kicked out from the previous flat.

Here's my livingroom
image: livingroom

From another angle. You can see the kitchen and the front door. Bathroom is to the right from the hallway, bedroom to the left.
image: livingroom2

Not really the floorplan I was hoping for, but I didn't have many alternatives at the time. Now I'm stuck in this overpriced flat for at least a year. :p
Livingroom looks really nicely layed out, How many other people live with you?
Just me at the moment. Hmh, gotta change that in the near future...

The livingroom is a bit of a project still, gotta get rid of one of the chairs and buy another one of those recliners. And some paintings.

Edit. How much is the rent in your place btw, if you don't mind me asking? I've always thought London is pretty damn expensive to live in... Assuming you didn't buy the place.
Then wtf are those cows on the couch? :D
Onoz, forgot them, my only pets! They guard their lair, The Couch..
They look angry :D. I like them.

PS: Really nice appartament. Take care of it :).
i love the carpet rofl rolling with a girl overthere must be awesome x)
Bought them recently, haven't had a chance to try yet. But gotta keep that in mind... :>
Too bad all the furniture is stuck on the wall.
I don't want to spoil the fun but the living room looks boring and not really pretty to live in :s. I hope its gonna change A LOT because I wouldn't want to live in that :s. Gaso's living room is quite nice tho.
The view is ok alltho in my city Bruges I have much better views than that :).

But I will stop complaining and wish u all the luck cause I will start working too now and I still live at home ;).
Hehe, thanks. It's small, but quite comfy. :)

Got all the eletronics in one place, so music and other entertainment is easily accessible from the puter. And fridge is within one meter of the computer itself (fairly important ;).
nice sofa toss hope u get some fun there :D
What postcode are you in?
Looks nice Tossy, how much does that apartment cost? Don't visit those pubs too often!
Mucho expensive-o waterside accomodation! Looks nice though. Bring on the wimmin!
im going to a buy my own flat in vienna too...expected moving: around january 09...!!

yours is rented? how much is it per month? :o)

looks nice, tosspot...the surrounding sounds great too from your description :) hf!!!
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