Just back from USA,what a place,blagged our way into VIP into Studio 54 in vegas(most renouned nightclub in the world)
Spent 3000eur in 10 days np but who cares,what a place,pics will follow,
Sniffed the best coke of my life,smoked the best weed in my life,acored the nicest chick in my life,shit been home,as for ET,im 100% done.

Any scandals lately?
Olympic games end was yesterday

welcome back!
pics of the girls
stop dreaming and stop the lies :c
we really care
I dont care if you care,you piece of shit
i said i care, what's your problem?
see. only because some rich fuck bought the name studio 54 and made one in vegas doesnt mean its the most renouned night club in the world.

original studio 54 was in NY
I said studio 54 was the most renouned nightclub in he world,never said the one in vegas was
so you didnt go there?

omfgz it r teh buys frum teh ghettoz
Netherlands tekoa en azatej (or something like that) are banned!
Las vegas is nice but it's a crap city if your under 21. Nothing to do. Also went to usa this holiday but I went to the eastcoast.
LOL the best weed in your life? in America? haha

Snoopdogg cant even handle the dutch stuff....
ban for doing hard drugs :0
3000 euro in 10 days? What a waste
depends on what he bought if he bought a new house...
lol yea u cant do anything in vegas if ur under 18, and thers not much to do if ur under 21 and even when ur over 21 all that you will do is loose ur money in gambling tbh. is this true btw. my sister went to vegas and she said the entire place is full of old people. because so many old people gamble in vegas aparently
coke :d i only did coke once, shit was so cash

and best weed in usa?
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