supplydepot beta 1 RTCW version OUT!

good news guys, as u have already red the title, supplydepot rtcw version beta 1 is now out :)
ive spend weeks on fixing lost textures, adding and removing brushes, putting lights in again and many other things..

difference from et: its a doc capture version now, the truck is removed and also the garage gate where truck needs to pass true, the crane site has been completly removed and the documents are now at the room where normally the crane constrution was.. the transmitter is now the cp room and yes u can't spawn there as an allied. Only barn spawn and flag spawn, axis spawns are same like on ET.

Thx to angel for his idea for making this a doc capture map for rtcw

i hope it will be appreciated in the new rtcw cup and also by the community.

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Screen shots please! :)
put screen shots plz :~>
pmme if you wanna have a fast mirror
I fear it will be too hard to get the objective as allies

+ The map looks okay
+ East jump isn't possible
+ Main jump isn't possible

- Map is too easy for axis (distancefalloff 0, rtcw rof, etc.)
- You removed a teamdoor at the depot gate
- Depot fence is removed, making a quick escape maneuver to the West wall with the objective impossible
it looks cool, looks kind of diff version from ET
docrun is overrated.
too ez for axiz
Doc run would be better in ET too
so you'd have to walk past the axis spawn, all the way up a hill, in a game with no distancefalloff? gl with that
Get docs jumps over west via the craneconstruction..
sounds like a good idea, after they've removed the fucking crane
Just read up on that yes, thought he only removed the crane construction point.
He removed the fence and the crane as well.
rtcw is rtcw
et is et

you dont mix

its like add sweets to carlsberg :d
why would anyone waste time on changing the best map ET/RTCW ever had
does rtcw support driving trucks? if not, that might be a good reason ;D
doc runs are boring, maybe they should change it to: "steal the sexy elite-guard with the sten"
doc runs are boring? lolz i doubt we play the same game
doc runs can be exciting, but it's boring to have the same or a similar objective on too many maps
Boring doc runs? ... ok, nvm, gonna go steal the truck, and repair the tank, might pop in the local shop for a packet of hobnobs while the kettle brews, see my team mates are repairing some fence up the road, hefty job. When we're done we can build a command post just for giggles.
not even close to best
name a better map then :P
in et: sw_goldrush_te, radar, frostbite
in rtcw: frostbite, beach
radar is equally good, but the others don't even come close imo
maybe they should convert radar to rtcw :p
not really, u can also go around
could you convert it to et?
most of the time when a map is published there is a server to test it out
in 1/2h will be on angel server avi
Parent RtCW-Cup II Server 2 - #wolf.league @ IRC Quakenet // No password needed.
Put the teamdoor back at depot gate

Docs will be hard to get either way in ET
cant, on rtcw u cant have open only axis doors
hmmm , yeh , btw I meant RTCW , not ET

docs will be hard to get for RTCW
hard enough for allies to get to controls anyway without having to get back down as well; not to mention removing the allied cp.
You only have shity supply or braundorf sux :/
Everything is gd in rtcw!

gunna see how it plays tonight, and homie will make the required changes
dynamitable crane controls as an objective could be more balanced :b
Kewl. Btw thanks a lot of converting my tj maps to rtcw without asking for permission or giving any credit on the maps.
afaik he doesn't need your permission for conversion but not giving any credit is pretty lame
bad idea imo
You think they try to call more and more ET player on RTCW with such thing?
Yes, at least it was what angel wanted.
In my opinion radar should be converted too! I'm pretty sure the rtcw players would like it.

To make it look different make look white (WINTER OMG) instead of grass.
winter radar already exists i think.
Tip for all the anger - Masturbation when you wake up is key.

cheers for the effort homie, looks good so far.
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