XP to Vista 64bit

Good evening Xfire!

Quick question: My hard drive is split into two partitions: Windows XP on C and movies etc on D. If I installed Vista x64 on C (instead of XP), would I still be able to access my files on D, or would I have to format this partition before I can use it?


Pic for the illiterates
image: loldog-cute-puppy-pictures-fail
Think not, u can still acces ur files on D after instal
You can still use it.
None of your files will disappear

I installed vista 3times now without formatting :DDD
I just thought there might be some conflict because I created them with a 32bit OS and want to access them with a 64bit OS later. I'll backup the important stuff on DVDs anyway ;)
It's all about the filesystem. As long as nothing is encrypted, it should work.
what wipeout said

files won't disappear , only some applications might become incompatible
I have xp 32bit and Vista 64bit

imo you should have both installed cause aslong as you install the vista AFTER xp, it will give you a boot menu every time you turn your computer on asking you whether you want to load XP or Vista

that way it's a win win situation when you find out 64bit vista is pretty baaaaad.
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is 64 bit any good?

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you realise actual ignored comments are a different colour to these normal comments? :X

you can't reproduce it
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dunno for me it looks exactly the same :(

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