Idea :~>

we all know there is an option to see who of the members wrote the biggest amount of comments in journals etc

so we (im sure im talking in behalf of the whole community) want to see the admins statistic

who deleted the most journals etc
who give the most warning points :>

and so on ;D

after seeing fusen results seems like Sol is the new bl1nd zLOL :~>
co0oOO0oo0o0o0oO0o0l idea!
talk to Rafiki
where is the option to see who of the members wrote the biggest amount of comments in journals etc...

show me
no need to show it, Bl1nD won all awards
rafiki made a run down of it once, it's not an actual feature :X
oh i know about that one
how about making it an actual feature? ;D
Maybe if it was generated weekly or something, as constantly generating that page would be a huuuuuuuuge waste of resources

Plus it would just promote spam, which is a bad idea
yeah maybe weekly or monthly.
but since when xfire has NOT been a spam-community ;D
leave sol alone.
he wins, hands down.
it would be fun ^^
sol & Ronner; I don't need those statistics for knowing it.
You'd be surprised that I don't even end in the top 3 of that list.
Comment Ignored (+)
QuoteWarnings User
242 Sol
220 Chosen
158 Ronner
79 Hentai
26 hellgoat

:D already in top3 for warning points
damnit. I was sure it would be a close call between chosen and sol and then a 3rd place for someone other than me.

guess I was wrong :D
Poor you, it's just because you delete some journals who are kinda interested; and comments who are kinda funny.
Ronner, that's the reason why I don't like you >:
yeah well, life's a bitch aint it. (Copyright M1lk)


Comment Ignored (+)

^^ you choose.
I don't call internet a bitch, you do, and you could be my father; how pathetic.
I never called internet a bitch as well. And the only thing pathetic here is that you judge my entire character on the fact that I applied rules to certain posts.
Sr Ronner, but I don't call your actions as 'applying rules'.
If you have to follow the rules, you better can give everyone some warning points, due to 'spam'; because, isn't a simple smiley or abbreviation like "k" or something spam?
Please, grow up & don't abuse your power.
in fact, there is a LOT of spam on CF that most admins including myself just let slide, so what is your point. You bitch about the rules being applied to strict and yet your argument is saying that we let a lot of the spam go by. What IS your point exactly? Did one of your journals or comments got deleted cuz it didn't follow rules? Is that why you are so pissed off?
I'm not pissed of due to the things you told me. I just don't get it why admins (like you) delete journals which absolutely make no sense.
And yes, you've deleted once a journal of mine, and fusen told me he would talk with you and delete my warning points, so I think this is clear enough, no further explain.
I guess he's saying that spam like ":D" ":~>" and "lol" is more annoying than foreign language posts, lolkinos nonsense comments or other semicontentful (n1ce word) stuff.
my comments make other ppl good mood :~<
ur a really good comedian
Quote1300 Sol (from 52 warnings)
700 chosen (from 69 warnings)
640 hentai (from 28 warnings)
195 Ronner (from 16 warnings)
184 Nellie (from 11 warnings)

u made it : D
yah on some lists! :P
sol & Ronner; I don't need these statistics for knowing it.
see below. Chosen & sol is more likely :P
sorry mister but still 3rd!
Warnings User
242 Sol
220 Chosen
158 Ronner
79 Hentai
26 hellgoat
sol ownage ;D
tbh im more interested in journals and post deleted ^_^
thanks fusibuu
chosen is a twat, he gave me 5 points.
idd. chosen hasn't given me any points, but it's just that he's so big of a nerd it hurts my head reading his posts knowing that he actually thinks he's cool or has a sense of humor.
now that was harsh :E
Me too, for a foreign language comment of which he didn't even response where that was.
ye he banned my accs forever :<
not a surprise.. some people seem to be giving warning points just 4 fun :x
i knew it. sol sux most.
Total (currently active) points given out | user

1300 Sol (from 52 warnings)
700 chosen (from 69 warnings)
640 hentai (from 28 warnings)
195 Ronner (from 16 warnings)
184 Nellie (from 11 warnings)

"currently active" as all warning points that have been removed are reset
almost twice as chosen xD

but can you write how much journals deleted and comments? :(
pretty plz :d
and maybe rfiki can make a nice forum thread like he do to the top spammers :>
don't log deleted comments, it'd kill the db with the millions of added rows in 30 seconds
ok thanks :)
but if you had to guess
who deleted most comments? :D
Overdrive inflating my stats !
Deletes journals | User

250 Sol
86 Ronner
71 FlyingDJ (self deleted own journals)
56 Chosen
52 Mind (self deleted own journals)
Banned # | Admin
94 Sol
45 Decem
32 Bulldog
28 Fusen
28 Chosen
thx fusen.
And now plz kick sol out of the admin staff
for doing his job?
Comment Ignored

he's overreacting :X
image: forfusen

don't think im stupid :S
you're profile is set to use the Dark css seeing as your screenshot shows default colours then you're obviously applying CSS styles outside of crossfire's control

you're the only one who sees ignored comments as the same black colour :X

everyone else sees them as grayed out.

So for you it may look convincing but for everyone else you're...what's the word? failing.
well i didn't fail since for me everything looked normal :p u as admin should know! :D
doing his job is fine but thats exagerating
so we now have 100% proof that sol is a retard, nice!

thanks fusen
now we have ...
who give the most warning points :>

unblind and sol :@
fusen ?

who received the most warningpoints tbh ?
Hopefully Killerfagget
:DDD nice:P
Most retarded | admin

1300 Sol (from 52 warnings)
700 Sol (from 69 warnings)
640 hentai (from 28 warnings)
195 Sol (from 16 warnings)
184 decem (from 11 warnings)
Hopefully sol will finally find that little bit of humanity in his heart and realise that the things he's doing are a bit too much.
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