moving house

like nowadays everyone tells the xfire community they are moving house, well lads so do I :D
I hope this weekend i'll get the key and can start transfer zeh chairs n stuff. It's not a big flat, just a small one, but hea! it's cheap and in the centrer of groningen (ibet most of you cant pronounce the name hehe ;) )
the only problem is, i'd like to play (electric/acoustic)guitar (alot), not a problem for me ofcourse but for the other ppl wich i share the house with it could be a problem.. ^^. So i'm in really need of a good headphonest for my guitarbox. So do you mates have some suggestions?? What is a good headsphones (sennheiser?), the price should be around 50 euros or something, i mean the sound got to be good because i have a fender de ville box worth 1200 eu!

thnx in advance :D
good headset and 50€ do not belong in the same sentence

and yes i can pronounce gronigen, but its difficult, fuck you and your language for the hard g
ur very helpfull i c ;0
you simply wont get good quality headphones for 50€

although it depends what your benchmark for good is, some people consider a standard sennheiser headset like the pc140/150 to have "good" audio quality but any audio fanatic will tell you different

you get what you pay for really, your best bet is to try and sample some headphones before you buy
hmm true, but let's delete teh 50 euro, what headset would you would advise then? I actually want to use it for guitar only, sound must be good, dont have to be superuber etc etc fantastic... i hope you get what i mean ;)
i do, but i dont really think i can give good advice

i only know things about low tier headphones (headsets) and god tier headphones :E
hmm ill visit some musicstores then and try some headphones with the same guitar and box, they prolly have some headphones wich are better for musicinstruments then just a "normal" shop

thnx for the help anyways

if u want it for guitar only get headphones not a headset
i recommend sennheiser or technics high end ones
also pioneer and maybe sony (but i prefer sound of first 2)

like meez says it depends what you think is good, my sennheisers cost about 200eu

u can get a decent pair of headphones for 80-100

50 will sound ok if ur not too obsessed with sound (probably for guitar practice its ok) :p

i regret spending money on many things - alcohol, clubs, drugs, cigs etc -> but never when i buy something really nice quality
ye typingerror from my side :P
well quality is important to me, i play guitar for 10 years or longer so i do like to have the sound good :P but i think 200 is to much, i m moving house u know haha need to buy also a bed etc :P but 100 is ok! I mean if my homemates aint @ home i just can play w/o headphones and sometimes even when they are home. Actually ill need it mostly in 'the late hours' ;)
Ill visit some music shops and try to found out what headphones i like ;)

thnx for the info!! :)
u can get some nice ones for about 80 m8

if i remember there are some very nice technics many DJs use which are around 80
they do actually. logitech notebook headset > all
Trust headset > all
i tought sweex was best?
fuck you and your fucking n
u must be arabic then xD
go live in canada water, i heard everyone is moving out now
nah dont want to live their prolly for the same reason ppl are fleeying out of there, i heard tosspot i gonna live there.. :0
and since i gathered more then 50 warningpoints in 1 day just for posting some cameltoes i really think the admins started to live the gay way....
everything you just said is so damn right
agreed.. 50€ .. no chanse m8

try to get some money then buy a good headset
tbh i dont know any good headsets
i just agreed with what meez said

money PLX!



The difference between you and the other 'house-movers' is that you don't share pictures! :(
dont have them yet, will post them soon ;)
Aha, that's nice. Already met your neighbours? Maybe ask them if it should bother them if you play your guitar?!
haha i know they like it, thats actually one of the reasons they have chosen me to join them, a girl @ the same floor wich is also a new to the home does play guitar also ;)
We need pictures of this girl, ofc :D
and the other 3 girls... yeah!!! :D:D:D:D livin' with 4 other girls there hehe (H)
so i never have to do the dishes, washing, cleaning etc ^^
I think someone is going to have a girlfriend in the near future (:
dont start about that :(, i just broke up with my gf last week, had a relationship for 2 1/2 years with her :'(
Ohh, I'm really sr. Good luck, try to cheer you up with some friends, with your guitar, & ofcourse with the new girls in this appartment! ;)
haha thnx, 3 party's coming this week, so i do get a bit distraction of that and ofc moving house, you painting n stuff ;) aaaaaannnddd after that some housewarming party's ofcourse :P
Don't forget about the price of your appartment! It's not too expensive I think. Don't go party all the time! But Netherlands/Belgium 'geniet met mate(n)'
hehe i need to study 2 ofc :P and actually the appartment is paid by the governement hehe, i can almost pay my appartment with the money i get from then everymonth (studiefinanciering).

maar thnx

Huh? Your government paid your bills? That's lovely, how did you do that?
well in holland, every student gets some financial support each month, how many you get depens on how much money your parents make :p so if they make alot money you dont get that much, the lowest you can get is 90eu a month if you still live with them, if you move house the lowest you get is 255 a month, luckely my appartment is 260 a month so in fact the governement pays my appartment every month ;) because i get 255 a month from the governement. i have some friends who get over 500 a month ;)
Which means, you have rich parents :D (richer than your friends')
And you're asking Cf's opinion and help for a new headset? Maybe ask your parents for some money :D Tell it's for books or something ;)
hmm good idea, maybe they are willing to give me some money for it, but hea i got to learn to fix my own stuff and financials;)
That true, search for a job in the weekends or something!
already have one for 4 years, only the supermarket i work is bankrupt so need a new one :P
HAHA :D Supermarket went bankrupt :D
Working at the post office is also a nice (paid) job!
ye someone already told me that working @ the post office is a nice job, i only hate bad weather :< and since its almost fall i think the rainy period has started once again :p
Well; I worked for a month at the post office; in the beginning you have to sort the lettres, magazines, newspapers, etc. That was my favourite task. After that, I had to bundle (?) all these papers and I had to do my round. With the bycicle ofcourse. I had 4 rainy days. Well, it's just, the rain sucks, but that's it. You can buy a raincoat for that. :D

Also, the financial side of it is very nice!
try to go for sennheiser hd555 or beyerdynamic 440
where in groningen?
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