Quake Live ACC

I got - You need.
Id prefer RTCW in exchange. THX
free beta for a paid for game? o.0
This is how things work today :(
give for etcfg
Sure Lazilow, get me on irc in a sec.
Can offer CoD4 key!
got it already :<
can offer a cod2 key which was used by mAus!
can offer place for u in my buddies!
can offer mine ql account for yours
Yes! Let's swap a max 10 euro's worth RtCW key for a version of baseQ3 with more lag and less options!

"Toenaderingsconflict" for sure!
You seem to miss a clue.
Oh, care to elaborate?
"a version of baseQ3 with more lag and less options"

"QL is like baseq3" = not even close, if you argue, then you maybe have one chromosome too much

"more lag" = QL has almost as good netcode as CPMA, not to mention baseq3

"less options" = there's a whole new bunch of cvars, so you actually have more options
Mmm, to me it felt more like baseq3 than I expected it would. Of course I was exagerating because I expected a bit more from QL. If there are a bunch of new cvars, I've still got to discover them. Didn't really feel like checking them out yet, nor am I a configwiz when it comes to q3configs. As for me personally, I experienced a lot of sudden lagspikes while playing QL. Maybe I'm just playing on the wrong servers. It's understandable anyway since it's still a beta.

No need to worry about me, I've got 46 perfectly fine chromosomes. Why so offensive? It's not like I'm insulting your mother over here. Weren't you the guy who claimed that the Q3-scene was a lot friendlier than the ET-scene a while ago? Crossfire overdose?

Thanks for the clue though.
Why ssssso ssssserious?

I havent claimed q3-scene more friendly, and if I did, I was 5,6 promilles drunk. Q3 scene has ten times the rage ET scene has in one tenth of people involved.
Negative. Quoting the joker won't get you out of this one. Apologise to my chromosomes.
k, I just did it. Saved 10€ - In ur face.
cod4 key can be yours!
ql-key + money for travel to cdc <-> sex with me there
can offer buttsecks!
offer Red Alert 3 betakey
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