Crysis: Unbelievable Custom Map

"Today I came across another modification. This time it’s a custom level built for Crysis, and boy am I beyond belief. If you think you’ve put hard work into a modification then maybe you should take a look at the following pictures. This medieval level is known as Niveus, and the artist who created this stunning level is Andrew “androkles” Hasko."

This looks amazing..won't run on my machine though..:(
Won't run on my machine though.. :(
assassins creed.
thats how assassins creed should look like imo
thought the same immediately!

nevertheless, damn what a brilliant piece of mapping / designing, this dude has talent!
QuoteThe level is currently reported to run at 5fps on his machine
He might be talented, the map seems to be useless though...
could be, the map itself is awesome!
looks awesome. Who's gonna sponsor me a new PC?
wtf :$ looks really nice
QuoteThe level is currently reported to run at 5fps on his machine

Useful map.
I beg to differ between "looks nice" and "looks useful"
made me smile :)
another assassins creed shit
reminds me of hyrule market/castle with a bit of half life 2 coast
too bad that the game sucks!
true, but the sandbox is fun
Just play Minas Tirith in ET instead. Clearly supirior.

np4my pc
may i download it ?
NOOOO! Thou shall not pass! If thou would pass, light would enter the room behind this door, but there can and shall NOT be light in the dark! Return to thou master and smack him in the face with a jellybean!
spree the white
dno.. soz m8, was kinda random, i'm kinda.. between drunk n clean (dno how u call that in engrisj)
looks like assassins creed
lolZ, unbelievable nolife.
Thougt the same ;>
np4my pc
but not playing it online, so i cant play it!
i could play it but too lazy to download/buy
not compatible with my pc :C
its ugly, whats so special bout it?
cathedral_final any1?
Stupid game :(
that kid is a genius.
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