Rivatuner; Can I use it?

Hi dear crossfire!

I recently bought a 8800 gt graphics card. I was thrilled to plug it in, but after that, I got depressed. The fan is too loud.
There's a Zalman VF830 installed on my gf 8800 gt, and the speed ( lower speed = lower noise) should be adjustable, but when I configure speed in nTune, nothing happens.
I've been strolling around a new phenomenon called "the internet" all day looking for answers to my problem without success. There seems to be something wrong with the model that I purchased and according to the people on the internet, only Rivatuner will solve it.
With rivatuner it is possible to slow down the speed of the fan.

So my question here is;

Since I know that using Rivatuner is against ET rules, I was wondering how the use of rivatuner is measured. I mean, can I use it daily, and shut it off while playing, or is there some kind of Punkbusting-kill3rbo1-search-engine in PB that will search my computer for traces of Rivatuner?

I'd be happy if someone would give me some honest answers since I don't know much about the CB rules and stuff.

If it will make you feel good you can just reply to this message by writing;

"- N1 selfbust."

u CAN use rivatuner, to tune youre speed fan afaik. aslong as u dont gain an advantage over other players using rivatuner
Thanlk you for answering!
So if I got this straight, Rivatuner can be used as long as I don't tweak graphics with it?? Does this mean that detecting "Rivatuner cheats" is done with the PBscreen shots?

Still a bit confused :S
It's allowed, but when you're beginning to gain graphical in-game advantages, it's disallowed.
Yes, the advantages of your tweaking can be seen with a pbSS..
rivatuner as program isn't disallowed, only certain effects you can achieve with it are. your pc won't get scanned for it, and you're free to use it whenever you feel like it. just keep an eye out for the leaves on trees and such ;D
If it is to slow down the fan then ofcourse you can.

But if you intend to make the trees cubicles then not.
Rivertuner isn't illegal, using it to gain advantage over normal users is.
I don't see why it would be a problem if you were to just lower the speed/noise of the fan
theres tons of bios mods that will alow you to do what u wish. As guugle
Ye, I was kinda about to fool around with the GPU BIOS, but since I am kinda noobish when it comes to GPU BIOS I figured it would be easier to adjust the speed of the fan with Rivatuner. I don't wanna make my 8800 dysfunctional. My brother is dysfunctional, and I don't wanna deal with more dysfunctional things right now.

...nah, he isn't really that retarded, but I will blame the retartedness of my brother when I get busted for rivatuner cheats.
Aslong as you dont change textures settings u should be safe.
stop hacking man
You my dear sir, will receive a spanking in the following weeks...and you will liek it too!
will do my honey!
Rivatuner is allowed till certain points in ET so slowing your vent down shouldnt be a problem, Its only not allowed when u gain noticable adventadge like the disapearing of tree leaves or rocks etc
nice knowing!
Ok, I'll just go ahead and install Rivatuner! Thanks to everyone that answered! Sleep tight!
yeah you sure will use it for "fan settings "...fucking piece of shit hacker ._. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO
u can use riva in et. Riva is an allowed program. I use it also... DAILY AND IN ET!!
QuoteSince I know that using Rivatuner is against ET rules

Don't know where you read this, but it's not true. You can use rivatuner as long as you don't gain a visual advantage.
I use Riva tuner but for et it sucks as your crosshair goes grey and you can't see it. I always use it in etqw but im only using +1 no more. You can control your fan speed but your fan speed comes at that speed for a reason.
jsut use it and don't even think of caring... what should happen?
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