Gimme the freshiest news baby!

I've been away for 3 days - anything interesting happened in the world of Crossfire?

np: Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash

random pic:
image: funny-pictures-mouse-is-in-a-room-full-of-cheese
nothing interesting happens in the crossfire world
Nothing interesting. PB updated a little, banned a pile of players/more people busted etc etc
Any "namers" ?
Think pulza is the only guy kicked for cheats you'd prob know.
Latest 50
+ team players banned but that's another story :)

Guess that calls for a ABONPTMW mixxxxx soon? :)
Not a bad idea indeed!
why uquk players banned
playing in a team with raskL
what rise said. Same reason sheep got banned :(
/b/ is down :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
where will i get my funny pictures xD
nothing has changed, SFR still needs a sponsor
Azatej and teKoa will be playing EC, in the semifinals
The rolling stones stink, fucking cheap skate bastards, they got 100% Profit for bitter sweet symphony, an outrage.
Quack =)
looks like 3 days equals 3 weeks? :D
can I have the news of the last 3 years
hi ducky
Hello Ghana. I strongly recommend you to listen to a really nice Carcass-tribute band created by 2 medical students and 1 surgeon called The County Medical Examiners. Really cool goregrind stuff.
sounds nice, do you got some nice links to dll'? :v
How were your 3 days?
Drinking with friends for 3 days in the middle of fucking nowhere couldn't go wrong, eh? :D
Well, if you only drink, in my opinion, everything can go wrong (;
Where have you been?
No not only drink, only in the night. I was by the lake in a place that no one visits except of us so there was silence, lake, wood, bonfire, alcohol and a bunch of mates :)
Which is one of the nicest things that exist.
Pictures about some drunken friends? Funny stuff?
Don't have the photos yet. Yeah quite a load of funny things to remember from this trip :) I need a bath and a bed now :P
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