pbss fix
27 Aug 2008, 22:39
This is the famous clown pbss
This is a 500x160 pbss, the size is 150kb.
Second one is 600x150, filesize is 96kb.
This is how pbss could look like, if you have any comments of flame: fire away!
-nobody gets busted by pbss
-the one who do get busted are pubhaxors
- 600x150 would give 100-150kb files, half the size of the current pbss and about the same size as old pbss which where 320x240.
- wider screenshot gives a bigger chance of busting as ET is a very horizontal game, the low height would seriously reduce the filesize.
- we cant really turn off pbss, they still deter people from using rivatuner or public hax.
If you have no clue what i'm talking about you prolly want to read this.
**update**: the wide screenshots will be shown to donex for approval. I hope we can have this problem solved by tomorrow :)
This is a 500x160 pbss, the size is 150kb.
Second one is 600x150, filesize is 96kb.
This is how pbss could look like, if you have any comments of flame: fire away!
-nobody gets busted by pbss
-the one who do get busted are pubhaxors
- 600x150 would give 100-150kb files, half the size of the current pbss and about the same size as old pbss which where 320x240.
- wider screenshot gives a bigger chance of busting as ET is a very horizontal game, the low height would seriously reduce the filesize.
- we cant really turn off pbss, they still deter people from using rivatuner or public hax.
If you have no clue what i'm talking about you prolly want to read this.
**update**: the wide screenshots will be shown to donex for approval. I hope we can have this problem solved by tomorrow :)
well if seriously, i don't like the wide pbss :x
why don't you like it? reasons etc.?
rather polish than estonian/russian/latvian/add_random_3rd_world_country
one rocket and there wont be first world germany
it's good
pbbans have 400x204 in their configs, I used to have 320x240, but I like your idea of wide screenshots ^^
Yes ET is a flat game but 600x150 pixels is TOO wide imo(320x240 = 4:3, 600x150 = 4:1, so choose smth in the middle like 8:3)
edit: oh that 500x160 is better, maybe 456x168?
Lucky pieces of shit.
This is what they replied after 4 days
08/18/2008 15:07:26 - "Glenn Courington"
Note #2: We are definitely looking into this. We appreciate the heads up.
08/14/2008 04:50:25 - "HellHammer"
Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff.
I have the same and it's making me rage more and more. I was about to rape a little girl yesterday but my agoraphobia kept me inside the house.
or the staff forwards the info to the dev's and they fix it :p
edit: what should they fix?
So just get rid of pbss or let evenbalance patch it so they return something useful on vista.
600*150 pbss
= 100kb (1/3 of the normal pbss size, unnoticable lag spike)
wider screenshots seem like a good possibility to me and is probably a better choice than the old one. i agree that they shouldn't be turned off completely.
and as of resolution 456x168 is awesome imo
I think in the end i would go for 456x168, taking advantage of widescreen so we can reduce the size even more. + lower the interval :)
edit: nah, looks like it doesnt matter for png