pbss fix

This is the famous clown pbss

image: clownpb

This is a 500x160 pbss, the size is 150kb.

image: pb013668

Second one is 600x150, filesize is 96kb.

image: 35cltoz

This is how pbss could look like, if you have any comments of flame: fire away!

-nobody gets busted by pbss
-the one who do get busted are pubhaxors

- 600x150 would give 100-150kb files, half the size of the current pbss and about the same size as old pbss which where 320x240.
- wider screenshot gives a bigger chance of busting as ET is a very horizontal game, the low height would seriously reduce the filesize.
- we cant really turn off pbss, they still deter people from using rivatuner or public hax.

If you have no clue what i'm talking about you prolly want to read this.

**update**: the wide screenshots will be shown to donex for approval. I hope we can have this problem solved by tomorrow :)
I think it's retarded.
pbss in general or the wide pbss?
dunZ thinks that everything is retarded
for some reason i removed him from my ignore list ... cant really remember why :D
we were playing togetha and i was your medic all the time , remember!

well if seriously, i don't like the wide pbss :x
nice argumentation xd
why don't you like it? reasons etc.?
check next reply to overdrive polak noob
i'm proud to be polish.
rather polish than estonian/russian/latvian/add_random_3rd_world_country
no hating in my threads plz
fag :<<

one rocket and there wont be first world germany
oh ye now you fixed it, i thought it would be half of the normal screen and the crosshair would be at the bottom, now its good
nah, you had to imagine the xhair was in the middle :D I think it would be great thing for ET/RTCW, being such a horizontal game.
ah, my bad then

it's good
that poll is so bullshit and doesn't contain the right information
pbss = 82k pixels max, so nope :p
600x150 = 90000 pixels, i dont know why but a pbss can only save ~82000 pixels, CB/GV didn't even know that before adding it to their configs

pbbans have 400x204 in their configs, I used to have 320x240, but I like your idea of wide screenshots ^^
make it 150x546 then or summit wouldn't make too much diffrence :P
just leave it as it was before, maybe a bit wider like 420x180 or smth.
Yes ET is a flat game but 600x150 pixels is TOO wide imo(320x240 = 4:3, 600x150 = 4:1, so choose smth in the middle like 8:3)

edit: oh that 500x160 is better, maybe 456x168?
Or just let me play without punkbuster, the piece of shit is only making me lag. No one else seems to suffer from it.

Lucky pieces of shit.
indd we need client side programs, so people can choose if they want to play with or without pb!!! same for pbss!!!!
just disable pb on your server then?
i sent a ticket to pb a long time ago about this, this is what I said

QuoteAfter the last Punkbuster update, alot of people who play on ET servers that make automatic pb screenshots are lagging and experiencing huge fps drops (in relation to older days).

one simple example of what Im talking about:


The community is thinking about turning it off from gameservers in the near future.


(another example of pb screenshots causing lag to players, watch the videoclip)
I sincerely hope you fix this issue asap

This is what they replied after 4 days

08/18/2008 15:07:26 - "Glenn Courington"
Note #2: We are definitely looking into this. We appreciate the heads up.

08/14/2008 04:50:25 - "HellHammer"
Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff.

Well, still no solution after 9 days it seems.

I have the same and it's making me rage more and more. I was about to rape a little girl yesterday but my agoraphobia kept me inside the house.
next time don't submit a ticket if you dont know what your talking about and don't believe everything people say, example that poll of decem
Dunno for the first part, but I can't agree on the second part there. The avi was a good example of what pbss causes, the freeze you could see in the avi from decem's poll was caused by a pbss, that just for sure, and if its the size or maybe the size doesn't even matter (I used to have 400x204 and have the freezes for like months now), pbss are causing freezes + lag, and they should do something about it :P
pb staff has nothing to do with pbss:D:D
pbss = feature of pb = developed by pb = should be optimized by pb, dont care who's staff it does but they should fix it :P

or the staff forwards the info to the dev's and they fix it :p
its CB fault they force those settings not pbs!!!!

edit: what should they fix?
I'm taking autoss for years now, did you notice it on the old serenity server or some other servers I hosted? Till some months ago I never got a freeze when a ss was taken, now I even notice it at even 320x240, I binded rcon pb_sv_getss myslot, so I only had to press the button to get a freeze like that ^^
i never had freezes or noticed anything till cb changed config:P
you don't even need a pbss-blocker these days. Simply use Vista and everybody will enjoy your black screens.
So just get rid of pbss or let evenbalance patch it so they return something useful on vista.
image: 35cltoz

600*150 pbss

= 100kb (1/3 of the normal pbss size, unnoticable lag spike)
ye pbss need to be smaller again. larger pbss won't help to bust cheaters since you won't be able to see a cheat on a larger pbss if you can't see it on the smaller one either. furthermore those who get busted for pbss use a public cheat anyway.

wider screenshots seem like a good possibility to me and is probably a better choice than the old one. i agree that they shouldn't be turned off completely.
w/e stops the lag asap
They wont disappear but at least they wont be fubar like they are right now. Maybe they should be made even smaller?
if it wont influence the gameplay (like it does now) its not that big of a problem. Nice idea with the horizontal pbss.
rofl dont compare filesizes, they're always different. Just compare pixels amount
true, but even with 82k pixels max, I noticed lag from taking an ss (binded rcon pb_sv_getss so I knew it was the ss for sure), I'm sure it wasn't like this till some months ago :[
same, btw it feels different on different servers, on some of them the lag is just insane on others it's almost not noticeable :(
and as of resolution 456x168 is awesome imo
i think such a resolution would be even better. The widescreen ss allow for smaller size. There are few reasons to have pbss on, so why not reduce their size a little bit?

I think in the end i would go for 456x168, taking advantage of widescreen so we can reduce the size even more. + lower the interval :)
btw dunno about png but as for jpeg afaik every pic consists of 8x8 subsquares so to make it most size efficient each side should be dividable by 8
edit: nah, looks like it doesnt matter for png
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