watch demos ET

Is there a program which you can watch ET demo's with without the need of ET itself? Just wanna know cause i cant watch demo's in ET somehow S:

OMFG i cant connect to servers either :S i get the error when it has to load a map
Select the etpro mod first.
im no tard i did that
i get etpro up then i go to replays i select zeh demo i get error from windows cause ET is not responding
That happens with all th demos? If you record one and then play it you get the same error?
yep all demos old ones new ones just recorded onces
I would try to clean the etpro&etmain folders of akward pk3s (those that aren't maps and pak files) and maybe try to see if I can watch them with a new profile (= clean config).
erm some1 posted it a few days ago...

google for boozze demoplayer!
You will always need the original game, no matter what.
The only thing that exists at the moment are "demo launcher" which stills launch the game.
BZZ Demo Player
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