tek9 wnb forum

Hi i think its a great idea even though not original at all :D

you give icons to each forum and in the latest forums list, there is the icon before the thread name

what you think?

http://www.tek-9.org/forum/ (check right section)

sry no glasses avi here
Nothing special.
izibash4 fusen :P

but kinda useless :XD
iits good
noice ;OOOOOO
I like it, but would be useless here since 60% is spam, 35% is ET, 5% is ETQW/CoD
depends what is spam...for me the only thing i would declare as spam here are is the massive repost amount of cless ppl :/
and all the poeple asking stupid questions which can be answered with the first hit on google

random attention whore shit, topics being stickied for way too long.

And almost every recruiment post which says "med+" is spam, since those people are mostly low skilled.
+1 about the recruitment thingy, dunno about the others, most of the time it makes me smile :')
don't have enough time anymore to check crossfire

so having a laugh is harder now, I can't see all the supposed to be funny topics anymore :(

but most of the "funny" topics are boring because the same shit get posted and posted over and over again and again :D
true, there still are pretty decent ones ;)

anyways im off

nn <3
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