ET and Linux!!!


Yesterday I finally got myself to test Linux (Xubuntu) because of trying how much more fps I would gain with it when compared to Windows... I was pretty shocked when I started ET (unpatched version btw) and I had 25fps on Goldrush. :( In Windows I have stable 83fps everywhere. :O Any Linux-nerds around who could have a clue?

PS: I dont have ATI-drivers installed yet but I still have direct rendering ON so I think that they arent needed? Or..?
go away cheater
have you installed the graphics card drivers through the restricted driver app in the menu?
No, but direct rendering is ON. :O
Well... that doesn't help if you don't have the drivers installed! :P

What graphics card do you have?
Ati Radeon x600 256mb :X I downloaded linux-compatible drivers yesterday but didnt manage to install them :D
I tried these with my ATI card. Result: Screen turned white after login with only the cursor being visible.
well I've never had experience with ati, only nvidia :\
ati and linux don't go together too well. i had some experience with it years ago using suse. yesterday i installed ubuntu as i need a backup for when windows decides to fail on me in the midst of exam time.
(didn't do that for 3 years, but some weeks ago, while i was learning for an exam, mouse and keyboard stopped working at the log in screen and neither i nor my neighbors had a win xp cd. luckily i had the pdfs i needed on an usb stick and was able to print them at a copy shop.)
lesson of the day:

windows > linux
I'm sure you'd get less than 25fps if you tried to play ET without graphics card drivers on windows... hell if it even ran at all which it probably wouldn't.
some people got new and good computers. But still i like windows more.
I'm just saying, you can't criticise linux, when windows would fail even worse in this situation (playing before installing gfx drivers)
Thats why I thought that I dont need to install the drivers... Because in Windows the whole game wouldnt even run without them :d
yeye i know what you mean. I had to put random comment.
But when you instal graphics drivers in windows they actualy work, in linux you need to follow 10 more steps to get them working correct. Atleast in my case with the ATi drivers, it kept using some MESA shit instead of just detecting my ATi shit.

imo linux is only a good OS if you realy want to customize every single setting, I wouldn't recommond somebody to instal linux when he wants to play ET or another game that has a linux build.

There is still alot of work to be done until linux will be widely accepted, for the "dumb" PC users it's just to hard to get some things working. While imho everybody can instal windows with the correct drivers.
actually I've had more issue with windows drivers than linux drivers, but thats probably because I'm a somewhat experienced linux user.

I do understand your argument though, and I can agree with you, linux isn't just ready for the mainstream

but you have to admit, comparing the state of linux distros in 2005/2006 to 2008.... it has made a huge improvement and hopefully will continue to do so
true, I was suprised that my Wireless USB adapter worked out of the box, in windows I had to instal drivers :D
It's very simple in linux to be honest
but many other things aren't
It doesn't even run for me :_D
This is about as hilarious as someone trying to convince other people they know shit about computers and their speed and runs Vista himself.
To bad my english isn't that good to understand what you said. But if you think i got vista than my anwser is no, i got xp
his english just sux
start ET with sudo, worked for me in ubuntu. Without sudo around 15 fps, with sudo around 200 fps (windows FPS is around 150, depends on the map)
Sounds strange

Anyways, don't run ET under sudo, that's suicide :X
Why not? I was going to try it soon :X
Running a game as root is hazardous to your security and undermines the whole concept of having a root user :X
why not? I can't get it working properly without sudo
Running a game as root is hazardous to your security and undermines the whole concept of having a root user :X
how to start it with sudo?
Running a game as root is hazardous to your security and undermines the whole concept of having a root user :X
didnt you get it?
run as sudo, right mouse click

worked for me xD
used ubuntu in past and it sucks.
ubuntu gave me lower fps
Everyone seems to be downloading ubuntu these days :_D
Not that there's anything wrong with the distro, but it seems to be the one everyone on here goes for o:
have a look at google! generally it seems to be a lot easier to get nvidia to work on linux than ati.
type this into terminal: glxinfo | grep rendering
output should be:
kev@kev-desktop:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes

check for restricted drivers in the repo too
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