For everyone curious

For everyone not interested in astronomy, don't read this..

For everyone curious about how everything started (with everything I really mean everything, universes, etc..), you might want to read the first 3 / 4 pages from this website. What comes after that is religious bullcrap, trying to justify christianity by making false statements, but those first four pages really gave me another possible insight on the subject. Also make sure to read the pages it links to, you'll get loads of information in there too.

image: Universe_1
lol so old
cud be, dno, I found it interesting to read..
you mean the big blow?
try finding 'the elegant universe', if you like these kind of theories its not a waste

edit, read it partly but never mind if you're on this level i'd suggest :))
already saw the elegant universe, and so uncountably more documentaries. but I just keep returning to this really simple point, it's the only unexplainable thing :S
QuoteThis universe is weird. It's creepy.
The website really isn't worth looking at. On the mainpage they ask whether there is a soul or not, the existence of eternal life, and say that "The use of archaeological discoveries support the Christian faith"and " is credible at a high confidence level".

I smell a lot of religion; and it stinks.

Just like Clownzor I prefer The Elegant Universe.
reason why is because the entire debate is religion vs science. and philosophy serves slap bang in the middle not trying to prove 1 thing or prove another and merely to in a sense piss everyone off. just questioning everything about everything.

so forever more to every argument that has no proof u get 3 types of people arguing it.

but since knowledge is power. what u read on forums , what u read anywhere has a counter argument. and the counter argument to this is that the big bang theory suggests an explosion started the universe and that it expanded from it. however the univerise is speeding up according to science and if this is so then an explosion according to science at some point slows down and comes to a stop. like a bomb blows things away but they fall down. in the case of the univerise it is speeding up faster than it was going before.

and the most advanced scientific discovery in mankind is potentialy going to happen on september the 10th 11 days from now. in a nutshell a 20 km ring build uderground with a bout a 10 metre diameter called a particle accelerator will be turned on and the aim is to recreate the conditions IMMEDIATLY as in 1/0000000000th of a second after the 'big bang' happend to see what the first particles to exist were. they are going to accelerate particles to the speed of light in the opposite direction and smash them together creating a black hole . although ofc the particles cannot move at exactly the speed of light so the black hole hasnt got enough energy to support its existance for more than a second.

nice picture :p.
Well, my journal was kinda short and non-explaining since I really had to leave in a minute, but what this webpage has confirmed for me is that you just can't relate back to a beginning without needing supernatural powers.

U know, there is a law saying that new material can not spawn. How can a big bang suddenly appear without any material and environmental conditions to ignite it? This would counter physics completely! And even if you were to explain how it ignited, what was before that big bang? If time is infinite it means that there is no end, as much as there's no beginning. If there is no beginning there is no place to spawn materials. It's a vicious circle you land in, and at the moment the most logical explanation for me would be a supernatural entity being responsible for our habitat and logics.

(don't mind the engrisj, u get the point ^^)
once upon a time there was a state which man could not explain, man got cocky and said it could. It wasted its complete existence trying. :o)
Nobody here is claiming that he/she can explain it, but we can at least try to understand bits of it. Imo it's fun, so /care if it's a waste of time, it's fun for me, and also more useful then for example wasting my times on randomly playing flash games.

Soz for this stupid comparison but blame the strunk.
now i enjoy this kind of stuff too, but the big bang thing is the only real dull thing, because it is a complete blind spot for humanity. If you say a child dropped an icecream and-> big bang! It is as relevant as a theory from a researcher.
Really, parallel universes, any dimension above 'our' three, you can wake me up, just not for the bigbangbullshit (:
(which reminds me of the three b's, and that you should all watch hellride, awesome movie)
debate > *. but before i go to bed il leave u with this.(taken from men in black) but its completely relevent here.

100 years ago we knew that the earth was the centre of the galaxy.

50 years ago we knew that the earth was flat.

and as of 5 minutes ago you knew that we were the only people on the planet.

imagine what youl know tomorow.

point of that is that the first 2 statements were not disputed they were not questioned it wasnt even an opinion it was a 'fact'. like 1+1 = 2. both were proven wrong.

we are not the only people in the universe.
god doesnt exist.
jesus didnt exist.
every religion in history is fake.

thats the facts.

reason why people used to and still do dispute these facts. take an example from the new film this year 'Wanted' ,

quote: 'shoot the target'
'how am i supposed to do that thers a pig in the way'
'if nobody ever told you that bullets fly straight what would u do'.

same with religion but in the opposite way. if everybody told u god existed would question it? no. like 1+1 = 2 . u know 1+1 = 2 because u were told it and everyone around u told u it and believed it. in the past everybody knew god existed.

religion was invented to explain miracles. now there is no need to explain miracles so therefore there is no need for religion.
i could link u to some incredible videos to get ur mind going and leave u wanting to explore it more.

the world is not what we know it. u heard about the conspiracy theory to 9/11?
every bit of evidence indicates that US did it to itself to make money. u wont believe that now ofc but after watching the video u might. u see the first time u watch it u think hmm whats shown here might be fake , but from my own research and from others researching and reposting videos about it from their own research, its all the same.

so get watching.

and get back to me :)
I watched zeitgeist several times, but tbh this whole piece you wrote is:
1 - too simple
2 - irrelevant (i wasn't talking about any form of religion, maybe read again what I wrote -.-')
3 - full of false references and comparisons.

Let's get back on the subject instead of talking about religion (why u started doing that, god knows ;D)

What I stated is that if you want to follow the current physical laws, you can't explain a beginning of "the everything". Any reasonable explanation completely defies basic physics, whilst those physics are what scientists are so fond of.

You tell me what came BEFORE the big bang, and what came before that, and before that, you'll see that there's no end (beginning).
What makes you think that the laws of physics that apply now must apply forever and must have been applied forever? It's possible that the laws of physics evolve as the universe does :o)
i say we argue about something more fun.

if a tree falls in the forest and noone is around to see or hear it does it make a sound?
Why do you care about the past when you should worry about the present?
gaaap again
astronogy very kool
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