my mouse is dying!

omg my x7 struggles in premortal convulsions!
I can see death in it's scroll!
We need a priest, imam, pop or whatever!
It served me well, two full years by now...

R.I.P., x7. Let your soul reach mice heaven as you served well.


Crossfire, now it's your turn to help me out with choosing the successor.
I was wondering about the same mouse, as I really liked it and it is very cheap. I'm not the guy who's going to spend 60 (or more) euro for a mouse. x7 costed 27 euro back then and now it's prolly a little cheaper. (Note that I have just divided prices in Zloty Polski [PLN,-] by 3.34 [current division in banks etc], so prices are just estimated and may still differ if you live in other country).

But I wonder if there is any good laser mouse for a reasonable price, hot, horny and waiting for me to buy it.

Now you speak and I'm shutting up...
#KER ! :D


250 zl :o)
G5 = fail

mx518 or Death Adder imo

PS: lasermouses aren't good for gaming
i have an x7 aswell, i kinda like it
im zeh a / an lowbob 2008 : D
Actually it's an. X7 is spelt ex seven. So it's an.
better than my oldone,

image: 55009
mx518; as good as the deathadder and half the price.

don't buy laser ;<
logitech mx518/razer deathadder/steelseries ikari optical

yeah thank you :(
thanks, will check these mice!

oh and btw, find one occurence in the text where I wrote that I need my mouse for gaming :-) Yes I'm going to play ET, but I am also going to use it in windows and stuff^^
Wanna buy my ikari?
only with your authograph!

and really, i want to buy a new mouse, sorry :-)
Well i used it only one day, so its new
you know, if a car leaves a salon, it instantly loses few thousand euros on its price :-)

All u need to know about mice.
i suggest IME3 (intellimouse explorer 3)

its cheaper than a 518 and DA and is practically perfect (providing you dont use a ridiculously low sensitivity... eg.... 100cm/360)
"ridiculously low sensitivity" & 100cm/360

Its a normal lowsens tbh
true, but not for everyone... if you are using 100/360cm with an ime3 you will probably be able to make it skip which isn't a good thing

it's the only reason I went deathadder over ime3
i use ms 1.1 and i have to move slower my arm because of the speed limit :/
mouseaccel helps a lil bit tho..

Gonna buy that deathadder, i hope thats really that awesome
image: 51473-da1800

doubt you can make it skip, unless you move your hand at 4.40m/s :E
Yes i know this is the best at this test.

4,4 m / sec = 44cm / 0,1 sec

I doubt anyone play faster than that. It depends on the surface anyway..
if you higher the rate you should be fine
I find your post useful. I heard about that mouse before. The problem is I dont really know what sens I got. You see, my PC cant produce stable fps and I experience force feedback or whatever it was called, especially on maps like radar and gold - shortly: my PC sucks. If I move my mouse to some point, the degree differs regarding how fast did I make the move. So how can I check what sens I got? Could you help me with that?
use a ruler and see how many cm it takes to turn 360 or 180 degrees? i think thats the most common way

sure it wont be accurate with what you described, but you could do it slow once and then do it fast and take the average
v21 !!!

or v24 ?
poor little guy
u can buy my mouse mx518
MS Intellimouse 1.1
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