hitboxes wtf

what's wrong with the hitboxes nowadays.
Since a few days ago the hitboxes started to act weird.
When I aim perfectly for the head or even for the body atleast 3 out of the 10 bullets misses target even when the oppenent is standing still in spawn or smthng.

Is there anything i can do to get the hitboxes normal again ?

image: lag_compensation
yeah they made them worse a few day back for the lulz
ok css..
the post is about ET tbh
I know... *roll eyes* you sir, did not catch my sarcasm
it stays epic :XD
this never gets old
thats FUN! :D
its funny because its true
whine, whine & whine.
aim to the feet
Hiro Nakamura bends time and space.

ET players bend anti-lag and hitboxes.

It's all part of the game. Cope with it.
Shunsuke Nakamura bends balls and balls
watching heroes season 1 atm :o)
LOL, if he had one in the first place xDDD
nope serious only
Just play don't care! :D
90% of all guys that say that hitboxes are fucked aren't just shooting on the enemy tbh..
The hitboxes aren't perfect, and in many cases they aren't there where they should be.
i know.. im the 10%
sweden is fucking lucky with internet thats all

and all progamers are lucky with provider
depends on where your opponents are based.

if they are in a 1st world country they generally will have an ok internet connection and thus will have a normal set of hitboxes etc (uk, nl, de, be, se)

depends on where the game is being played.

if you are from the uk for instance, de servers are always bad in the routing, which will give you 'rubber bullet syndrome' effectively you shoot your gun, aimed at the opponent but the bullets dont even register as firing, your clip just goes down. Generally .nl is best for neutral servers for those countries listed above.
shit, I live in the 3rd world.
fins probably get there lagging more due to server location, no clue on the strength of your connections - and there arent any 3rd world countries in the eu so I was not saying that ;) just not as developed ones as the central/western which generally means Internet connections in there too
i blame pb.. =X
I agree with hardy :x
get aim
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