More maps for ET?
31 Aug 2008, 21:47
Anyone else on crossfire think that et_village and mp_assault should be used in competition again? In RTCW personally i loved them maps i think they would work nice in ET :) whats everyone else think? (:
Assault, no.
joke of the month imo!
but yer in rtcw nice map, i just thought maybe would work in ET :O)
village yes;
beach yes.
* adlernest
* battery
* braundorf_b4
* bremen_b2
* frostbite
* radar
* supply
* sw_goldrush_te
i assumed by competition you meant 6on6 clanbase; my bad.
(cmon - reintroduce some more of those awesome maps to us)
Tbh, i barely found much ppl on that map, and we had about 24ppl on the srv to that time^^
Dunno, maybe there are any records left on splatterladder
* assault
* et_beach
* et_village
* et_castle
* et_ice
* ufo
Ps: nice dream :'(
et maps should be developed for et, rtcw maps should be redeveloped for rtcw revival..