nosleep project!

So my school starts tomorrow at 9:30am and i need to fix my sleep rhythm so i will be fresh and active while i meet new people i will spend 3 yearsz with ^_^

So i need to stay awake and i need something that keeps me awake like flash games stuff i could do etc

already did:
played 4/5 hours ET (had most dmg all the times!!1)
played some flash games
got some coffee
did some active stuff so i wont get tired

anyone got some other superkewl flash games i could play till ~3pm ? or smth else

have a nice first school day @_@
Go out, it wakes you up
you talkdeded to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
Well just go to shop and buy something :D

always works for me :D
try to make some reallife friends
n1 with the flag b4
i did, and haz a screenie ^^)
i do not lie"!"!!!1515225454
Just go sleep D:
steal, stuff everything under ur shirt - when someone asks, just say ur pregnant
Dunno what you could do but whatever this guys doing must be fun, LOOK AT HIM!!11

image: omg-it-spins
come irc
Install Stumble Upon
make sure you do something that will get you really tired right before you go to sleep, you'll wake up fresh and kicking next morning for sure!
for example run 10km or swim 2-3 or ride a bike 15km+
that should also help you kill an hour and a half or so


edit: omfg, you never played rpg? go an play rpg, you'll be up whole week!
Random toolbar for FireFox. Make an account, set predefined preferences (stuff you like etc.) and then you can press a button(!!!!:o!) and it stumbles you to a random site which matches the settings/preferences you listed!
ok, go edit "The Games That i Pwned" section of your profile then, that should also kill some time \o/
go fix bluetooth! me wanna see!
oh, right, you know what else you could do? go to youtube and check violeTAK, KlazartSC, diggitySC and moletrap accounts on youtube and HF watching koreans play SC

wicked sick!
both. you cant go wrong if you do both :p
as long as its not in my room :))))
24 hours wanking helps (self experianced)
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