in need 0f...

yes,i need a BNC , a free one.
Could someone be so kind to give me one,for lets say 1-2 months max
Got in this situation because the guy that hold the bnc server is in Turkey for 1 month,and i need to be online to get my messages for some new project i'm about to start.
So help me now,and maybe,if i can, ill help u later D:

oh...and no,i cant go ask for a bnc from #Free.bnc because i got into a little dispute with the admin :1

have a nice day guys
Quote,i cant go ask for a bnc from #Free.bnc because i got into a little dispute with the admin :1

went there,asked for bnc,they gave me one,it failed,gone there,explained the situation,they gave me another one,it failed again,had a little chit-chat with the admin...and i left[short story]
so to make your story shorter: "I don't know how to set up a BNC but still i want one!"
yea,its so hard,impossible to do it
it was something like this:someone else logged in;wrong username or pass
be more constructive next time
#Free.bnc is gay
cant pay that way
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