advertising slogan

So here's the deal. I'm in need of your help, cause I'm totally not creative atm.
I'm in need of a slogan for a product called "whoosh". Whoosh is a washing powder and I have to find either a slogan or a stunt to merchandise it (a new product needs new vendees, therefore it has to be done something special so people will remember and buy the product). I'd like to have a slogan, so I'd be thankful for every slogan written by you. The slogan has to be in english.
Thanks in advance, regards.
no rimes with whoosh : <
Whoosh, it cleans faster than sqzz
Whoosh - Cause you're a cunt
watch out, Sol is online
you better edit that before he see
warning points pls !
do your own homework !
whoosh !
How creative :D
whoosh it!
washing worldwide with woosh washing wonder

or washing well
get whoosh or die tryin'
Woooooooosh: Because anything is better than Persil.
somehow reminds me of

image: funny-dog-pictures-loldogs-wharrgarbl
Whoosh - Why he organizes omniw(h)ore secret hammerkop
Woooosh; cleanage to the mAx!
Get your whoosh on

Whoosh up your life (word play from wash up :---O)
Woosh is better than a tooth brush!
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