bibuy earth


And I was going to put in a new kitchen. Seeing we will all be cosmic dust, better spend it on a few beers !

- Richard sixsmith, Belgrade, Serbia, 01/9/2008 07:17

NOO chmpp plz save us..Oh wait im living just near that :'(((
Brb, gonna mug a granny
I read about this a long time ago, I dont think the scientists have the right to dabble in such dangerous stuff
thats the way to progress,they hope to find something new,which will help science to evoluate
which religion do u speak about?
yes, editing help us by saying random things. :)
Theeee Weeeeeekly dabble.
in all things competitive gaming.
the thing is, you don't know wether it's dangerous or not. this experiment could well be the key to solving some of the most interesting mysteries about the universe and it's creation. i for one am looking forward to what they discover using the LHC.

and if black holes to appear and survive, america will solve it like they solve any other problem; nuke it.
Well not knowing the danger level already implies it is dangerous!
no, it implies that there is a possibility that it might be dangerous. even if it does happen, chances of which are incredibly small, people don't know if it's dangerous. at which point the possibility of a possible threat becomes a realistic threat is not up to me to judge, but i'd personally say that the threshold hasn't been passed yet.
bullshit.. they just dont wanna know the truth because of their religion
yea,old news,i informed myself about this,theres no risk,americans done this too,but it wasn't this big
there's like one in a million chance to create a small black hole that would most probably dissapear quickly as i understand it, it's pretty old news, no? i'm pretty sure the scientists tested the system for likelyhood of killing us all anyway so i don't care what the "critics" say
Well, the question is not if there will be black holes, cuz there will, but how large and powerful they will be. Through simple maths there is concluded that the chance that a black hole, large enough to suck up the entire planet, will spawn is only as small as 1 on fivebillion, but imo that's too big to risk humanity for...
ET will be dead after this experiment.
ET was dead before this experiment even started to be built
better earth thatn ET
big care, gonna stay alive in Israel theodor's bunker
bring russian chicks :~>
there is gonna be hard selection...
destiny cant enter :(
only awsomeness girls :~<
destiny is awesome



i think we need to have a talk about him...

Hope black hole host´s ET servers.
even if we were going to die... we wouldn't even notice :D
many nations still test nuclear and h bombs... that should worry us much more than this experiment (hello frenchies).
Calm down, I'd be more concerned about a nuke going off in your backyard... There's already been many such experiments on a smaller scale.
.The man who works in this should think about 10.000.000 (about) Human's life ,and there are a lot of other things in our planet also..

erm lol? If the black hole is a danger it will consume the world in less than 2 secs O_O also it won't kill 10 000 000 people it will kill everyone xD
it's a particle accelerator in which they are trying to recreate a miniature of the first blink of a second of the big bang. There are more important things to worry about. The chance that a giant space whale crashes into europe perhaps.
reminds me of Douglas Adams somehow :D
was intended, get your towel ready for the day
well put, sir :D
The point isn't that it's fake, the point is that it's no big reason to worry.
Oh no, not this shit again.

image: 334836673_6_Giwc
Any miniature black holes created will disperse within seconds....

and if doomsday is upon us at least I'll have the pleasure of watching france go first
I need a quote/reply from Polandwiesiek or BelgiummAus and i will die happy D:

bibuy! :[
nice first wasting so much money and then thi8nking about the consequences...

btw would be good movie

The smartest people in the world are working in CERN, so if they say it's safe I believe them.
image: 12376-224936-262f24d3adaa80d0e3fe674af70a396f

No worries, Mr. Freeman is ready!
finally i can go to sleep
game over
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