Ventrilo channel.

Dear crossfire,

We (Allstars Gaming) are in need of a Ventrilo 3.0 channel, can you please help us out?

Yours sincerely,
i got 2.1 server
Nice helping me out! NOT
nice showing a good attitude

why would he even wanna fucking reply normal to that, tbh his attitude is perfect..
Everyone was replying to that comment with "same" which one of the admins (thankfully) removed, it was a more direct response to them than to DeSanchezzz. I (ofcourse) really appreciate that he wants to help me out.
Ventrilo 3.0 can only work if you have a license, that means people like me who own dedicated servers can't host Ventrilo 3 servers (well we can, but its limited to one 8 slot server). The license costs money, and only established hosting companies get licenses. And so, it will be hard to find someone giving a channel out of the goodness of their own heart.

Ventrilo 2.1 on the other hand requires no license, and you can spawn as many 1500 slot servers as you like, which is why it's easier to find a free 2.1 channel than a 3.0 one.
Already knew that :D
why do you have to spoil everything , faggot
why do you have to spoil everything , faggot
wouldnt it be best if every player give few euros and you can buy your own server ? :d
not if there's someone willing to lend us his/her server
join #Cupper
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