A cry for help.

Hello Crossfire,

Can someone identify this song for me please?
- Click -
If someone can get me the name of this song I'll give him a cookie with a glass of NetherlandsM1lk, so it's worth it!
If you get me a YouTube link so I'll give you a cookie, glass of NetherlandsM1lk and a doll of Mr.Hat from Southpark!

Thank you helpers and fuck you IsraelTheoDor/Cohen :~>
no offense but the song sux
want cookie!
You mean Mr.United Kingdom Hat right?
Google lyrics?
I tried that already but I just can't understand what she's saying
i wont help you
Ernesto vs Bastian ft Jiga - Sound of soul. I THINK

Edit you won't find the version you heard @ youtube afaik.
cool song :O)
sound of soul
Ernesto vs Bastian ft Jiga - Sound of soul
somebody thinks so
i want cockies
That people make that kind of music, ok.
But why would you name it 'sound of soul' that's either a joke or retardation.
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