real money poker

Hello guys,

I want to open a real money account @ PKR.
Is it trustable (according to nyke it is) ? ?
Or do you recommend an other poker site to play for real money.

spend your money on candies, better than this shit
lies, tho candies kick ass too :<
i want to make more out of my money to get even more candy
No, when I lost my money they wouldn't give me a refund or receipt.
did you mean @ KRP?
ask kotkis
it's not safe to put money on the internet
you have to be 18 , cya in 4 years
he doesnt, but if he wants to hand out.. they will fuck him in ass :[
not rly...fake id ftw
ye show your id on the inets ;)
go for pitbullpoker, its full of newbs on low limits.
Tell em you registered through, and they'll give you 10$ bonus
I have such bad cards experience on pokerstars, on 1 day I lost 100$ because I lost with AA vs A2, KK vs JJ and I had 4 of a kind tens when the other had 4 of a kind queens. :(
not gonna put my monies into a place where you're a security!
ive stopped playing poker alltogether, since i lost the other day some relative large some of 200 but won more than i lost overall but stopping before i get even close to addicted. poker is not something u want to get addicted to in real money terms if ur not a pro because u will loose alot of money. and im going to uni so i cannot afford any losses cause its so expensive to stay and live at university every £1 matters.

but word of advice best way to win money on poker is 1v1 and 6 man real money tables.

playing tournaments = u wont win money, its only 5 dollars or 10 dollars or 20 dollars to enter but u wont get far enough to win anything alot of the time and u just loose ur money. since ur just a beginner iid advice u to adopt a defensive poker stratergy. fold everything apart from middle pair and 2 over cards . 88, 99 ,AA, AK ,KK , QQ, JJ , 1010 AQ, AJ suited.
because u dont have much experiance of playing poker this will pay off the most for u until u get better. with only 50 dollars just 1 mistake out of ur entire days poker playing if u last will ruin u.

edit: online poker sites dont handle money at any stage. they cannot see inside ur account online only the bank can.
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