New laptop :O

Mostly I'm annoyed shit about these kind of journals and questions, but now I need your help too! My mate is looking for a good laptop. He likes to spend 700 euros max and he needs it for school (it needs to be fast, because he's a whining bastard). It should be 15" and it needs to be reliable (he's the kind of guy that would drop his laptop twice a day).

Any suggestions? Preferably somewhere in NL.

Thanks in advance!
imo look at some VBI laptops like compal imo u will get the best in that price
great congratz
Aspire series are nice and fast
I was thinking about ACER Aspire 5920G-604G32MI. good?notgood?

I'll be downloading alot, mostly porn(beastiality), also its for coursework, music etc.

I think this has the best price/quality. Amiright?

It's 700euros.
who need new laptop when you can be abuse by teddy bears :~>
If he's likely to drop his laptop twice a day, then I suggest getting him a helmet first.
Acer Aspire are good, only thing you need to watch out for is the cooling... It can become hot when you don't turn it off/turn it into sleep from time to time :P
Yeah i think ill just go with the 700eur aspire.
Or am I? And the plot thickens....
probably dont want vista
no shit, unless your laptop has 2gigs of ram minimum and fairly okay gfx

my mum was asking about a laptop before I go to uni as I'll be taking this pc and the one that's in the spot light has vista basic preinstalled which will almost definitely be uninstalled with xp written over it when it arrives :X
that was my suggestion, except being less direct

definitely needs an xp install over vista
700max gl
Dell have some nice laptops, configure them yourself and check the prices. There's usually some kind of discount and you can also google for coupons. The big plus I've found, having owned several laptops over the years, is the build quality of dell compared to other manufacturers like acer, toshiba, etc. This thing feels like it was built to build to bludgeon large mammals to death, not be pampered and consoled over any kind of disturbance like my other notebooks.

The other thing that I would commend dell for is the efficiency and carelessness of their tech support: I spilt beer all over my keyboard, frying the motherboard in the process. Now, in terms of warranty, accidental damage is never covered, and spillage does count as accidental, so when I phoned up I was willing to accept that they might clock to it being caused by liquid and refuse to repair it. It only took a day from phoning to pickup, and only another 5 to have it returned: not only had they repaired the internal damage, but they'd also replaced the faceplate and keyboard. In comparison, when I phoned up acer to tell them that the computer wouldn't boot when I tried to install a new version of xp, they asked me whether I used their reset disks; when I told them that I would never be so stupid, they basically told me that the computer not booting was caused by software. I laughed and hung up the phone: the day software stops a computer from entering bios is the day I start being nice to minorities.

I think they've updated the model now, but the 1520 was the one I got. Solid build quality, heavily discounted, and back then it came with dedicated nvidia graphics.
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