really confusing lag

Half the time my lagometer looks like there are alot of hairs growing on it, and when that happens it gets totally unplayable(mouse skips, sound skips). The weird part is that my ping stays normal when that happens, but my fps goes from 70 to 20 and back again all the time....

Any1 knows whats causing this?
on all servers?
most of them yeah, but occasionaly i can play normal
cuz I always have fps lags on cyber, element and some other server.
cyber is pretty smooth for me, u|k seems to be the most laggy atm. Never play on element so dno bout that one
uk| is top here
element is best! :>
Anyone who feels offended by this lag should boycott PunkBuster, show them how you feel folks!
u have lag when pb makes you pbs.... use search button:<
think pb_sleep is at 500 though :/
It's causing due to a sucky computer, I have the same; learn to live with it.
meh, never had it before and my pc should be good enough for ET :(
Change drivers for your graphics card.. I had that problem before aswell. Also make sure that you have no cvarbackup-files in your etpro-folder. Update Punkbuster.

Also, make sure that you don't have threaded optimization on and that ET.exe is only using one core.

For further optimization defrag your hard drive

Edit: Hi Crook!
how would i change the threaded optimization? And thanks for the advice, ill try it out
thanks alot birawesomeness ;)

EDIT: i have an ATI card though :p
maha you're so cute 'lilboi! ;) btw, back in nkNn/zero now?
after my exams prolly yeah, want to play some ET again ;)
its amazing isn't it? there just wont be a online game as good as ET including aim, brain and teamplay :P
rtcw >> ET though :p
dont think i have it on though, cant find it and i only have one processor anyways :(
strange stuff.. re-install?
crook eet kapitein koek
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