google Chrome

Anyone else looking forward to the worldwide beta today?
not really
Hmm not rly whats this about?
new browser
oooh no it is then :)
only to see how quick their javascript engine actually is
imo google was supposed to buy opera and enhance it. i'm too lazy to try out another browser, opera is simply good enough for me, bibuy
I'm just curious how they fit in gmail, google calendar en google docs and since they invest this much in mozilla prolly the next firefox will have some of the new enhancements as well.
I am waiting till this morning :(
dont trust google
I was waiting for the world wide beta till yesterday, but this morning I lost interest and jerked off.
Yeah, metaphorically.
there is semen everywhere !
I was gonna journal when it was released, since everybody has known about this for at least a day now. Old news :(

All their ideas sound good in theory but then again a dick that fires rockets sounds good in theory. It just depends on how well they do it. Will download the beta for sure, will it replace firefox? Maybe, Will it replace kazehakase? most definitely not!
you just compared a browser to a dick that fire rockets ;XXX
No, dicks firing rockets does not sound awesome, in fact it seems painful and inappropriate.
google software = evil
i really hope they make something like firefox 2 used to be, i am in need of a good browser, opera page loadtimes suck, i using flock now, its something like firefox.. same engine, after firefox 3 i needed to escape that evil piece of shit software, GODDAMN BITCH FF2 NOT ALLOWED?? jesus
firefox 2 is fucking terrible

firefox 2 was worst, and firefox 3 is better, but firefox 1.5 is best
trust me firefox 3 makes people fuck
I'll try it out :)
google software is evil, I prefer the webbassed google apps.
wow the hype!

I wont download it since google already makes enough money
and firefox > *
what kind of argument that is ;x google makes enough money

google offers so many things for free, and of course they need to make a lot of money via some other services to be able to cover the costs. on the other hand, this web browser will be free and opensource, what does it have to do with money?
haha "I wont use this free opensource software because this company makes too much money"... great philosophy

google have done more for the development of free and opensource software on the web than pretty much every other company in the business combined, without them, many places you frequent on the web would never have been made possible, and it's due to innovation of things like gmail that pushes it forward
yea ofc, its google ffs
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