Server lags

1) sup with pbss/ are they going to be changed soon ?

2) anyone else experienced FPS lags with the new streaming mod forced by clanbase ?
1) don't know

2) yup its awful :/
im with you !
come msn :(
check my profile, your on my love list! :~>
but come msn :(
i want to tell you how it was on my training :D
can't u come irc? :)
yea but all special ppl are on msn :(
msn is shit =(
hi dave fake account :D
I'm not Dave!!!!!
joking :(
but you have the same name ;D
yes ppl like me :D
you are on my dark list :>
Same as Finkregh
same as finkregh =/
i experienced some strange hitboxes
I have no idea! xD
2) Yes.

I already sent two mails to PB regarding this issue. This has resulted in me getting a special punkbuster file, which doesn't make me lag anymore. I can't recall its exact name but it's just like all the other pb files, pb(randomnumbers).dll

I'm willing to share this file with all of you guys, but it cost me some effort to get it. The first 10 persons to reply to me will get the file in a PM!
PM in a few minutes.
Config is on my profile.

8 people remaining!
How about a picture of your face, or a sample of your hair?
still no pm, liar liar your pants are on fire!
omg. pepper told u like to tweak but thats just awesome! now gimme the file
hmm I think this is the first time that I see a comment of you and can only think 'nonsense'
Lies, if it actually could help people. PB would have put it up for download. attention whore!
With the new pbss the server tend to give everyone a >300 ping from seen at ETTV matches.
true, saw it yesterday when I was watching some replays of my own team, that was on gtv5

I noticed that taking a pbss is causing a freeze for a sec or 2 on my pc ( bind x rcon pb_sv_getss pbslot ), but I also have this with other pbss settings, like the one overdrive used from me in his topic about it, so if its the GV/CB scripts or just pbss which suck, I don't know, but I do know that I never had this problem until some months ago :[
hmm, i think it was belgium vs germany where they paused a couple of times because the server took screenshots and the pings went to 250-500 between the players.

well, for the one who pushes that bind-button there might be a slight lag, but normaly for the other clients there should not be because:

Your ET-client is telling the PB-server to take screenshots (pb_Sv_getSS), then the PB-server tells the players PB-clients to take a screenshot and send it back.

PB tells your ET-client that "Hey I took a screenshot from these players: 1, 2, 3 etc" to kind of make sure no problems occured. While your ET-client communicates with the PB-server there might be some kind of lag so you better do it while re-spawning or use autoscreenshots.

This scenario is more plausible then fact of how it works, but it still gives an idea why there might be a slight lag.
I used that bind just to test if it really was the pbss causing the freeze, it's like it freezes when it's capturing the shot, thats almost the same as in matias' avi, but I think he and other people also have lag when the screenie is uploading.

I've read some stuff that autoss might cause lag when the interval is too short (which is/was too short in the CB/GV configs, we editted it on the gtv matchservers) because it's making the server write screenies to the hdd all the time, I never had that before though.
Server cant handle the massive amounts of techno being played.
get on irc u faggot
Too much big beats going through the server core.
Too late. Your deep resonating bass is too much for fast reactions.
murky slutty techno beats
Pumping, sweaty mechanic trance
Intense steroid blasting euro hardstyle
2) yes.....
no fps drops here, nice pb services, NICE WINDOWS
My pc just lags

PB aint a problem
Just stop using the minimizer called minimiz0r.. It lags like shit!
I am using q3e minimizer and taking a pbss gives me a freeze, like in matias' (?) avi, but shorter
Well, i had huge fps lags for a long time.
After a while i found out it was that minimz0r (made by Lightning I think).
Im using q3e minimizer now, its lagfree ^^
1) if it takes as long as the new cb etpro configs, hf waiting :[

2) thats not a mod, those are just modified settings, most of them are the same as before (before = pbbans settings) but some changed; the pbss settings and some cvar interval settings, imo those settings aren't causing lag..

butttt, maybe its possible that the (imo) _huge_ cvar and md5 checks are causing lags, but i'm not sure about this
My lagometer looks like the Himalaya, when the new file scans my PC D:

Been whining to donex and killerboy every day for the last week. Donex agreed on the 450x150 pixel pbss. He's trying to get into contact with the GV admin who can change the pbss size.

Should be fixed within one week. or i'll go to spain to give Spain Done a headbut!
what about pb_sv_autossfrom / to ?
plz, you prolly know best. Just go to killerboy and tell him which settings you guys are using. This has to be fixed and imho both you and killerboy are the ones who can fix it !


no do your job
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