Old RPG's

Ima atm on a nostalgia trip and re-playin some good old Japan RPGs.

i finished:

BreathOfFire II
BreathOfFire III
FinalFantasy V - X (never played VII tough)

wanna play:

Valkyrie Profile (ppl told me its "epic" and fast paced)
BreathOfFireIII ( i just love it again and again)

What RPGs did you play / was fun / is the best ?

*inbe4 gtfo with zelda*

Edit: Any1 played and got infos Valkyrie Profile
Omg you have gotta play FF7

best one ever


image: ff7-01

Cross slash!
i dont like the gfx somehow :( good 2d is better then a childish lookin 3d
I see what you mean :(

but the storyline / Materia system on it really makes up for that,
Best one out of the FF series imo,

ask anyone =D
i never played it so it must sucx
dark cloud
dark cloud 2 (dark chronicle)
omg u never played ff7. best imo!!!
you havent played it too
btw how is lil cohen?
and i played it lots of days and nights tbh ;)

his name is louis :D
hes fine, playing all day, now chilling behind me in my bed
what a gay name, i can see that you choose it :d

that damn cat stole my ideas for buttsex surprise >:(
you never were a smily person :O
zOomGGG! get FFVII!!!
never played ff7? shame on you
7,8,10 <3
The Baldur's Gate series beats all.
i played BG1 / BG 2 / IcewindDale and NeverWinterNights and i have to agree :p

i have to say BG2 pissed me off sometimes coz you are fighting Irenicus like 5 times ? and he allways escapes and stuff ~~

but still they arent Japan =p
I dropped out at NWN, because I got interwebz :)

But yeah, played them all aswell.

ohhh Japan
chrono cross is really the best old skool rpg (imo its better then ff7)
Planescape: Torment of course! Forget japanese for a while.

Might & Magic series, Wizardry series - kewl shizzle !
Might & magic > all ( except the last one cuz you cant fly in it =((((
ya, great games, I loved especially the M&M VI, was quite rpg revolution for me :)
Fallout ?
ff7 ftw
still noone has mentioned chrono cross, best rpg ever
Quote by Steven Seagalchrono cross is really the best old skool rpg (imo its better then ff7)
Diablo 1, Diablo 2 & Diablo 2: LoD. EPIC?
obviously not Japan ... and only Diablo 1 had the brilliant athmosphere, diablo2 had too much crap (probably to entertain the onlineplayers.)
my all-time favorite rpg still is Fable
Persona 1 & Persona 2 nP

e: Playing Persona 3 FES (shin megami tensei) & Nocturne (shin megami tensei :!o)
Valkyrie profile was rly good ye.
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