Make a tag for #Teamunknown
2 Sep 2008, 21:50
After leaving Zero Empathy multigaming, we face a huge challenge. We need to come up with good tag. We are bad in making tag so I come to ask you dear community.
Make a tag for Teamunknown. Old tag was [?] but I think its quite shit :D
Please be serious.
Make a tag for Teamunknown. Old tag was [?] but I think its quite shit :D
Please be serious.
i'm back from spain ;o
tell me how the chikitas there :~>
Hot monokini Girls on the beach
anything else you enjoyed? :D
one of them is for a married woman and the other is for single :XD
but no, i meant chikitas :XD
Like ramalama ding dong!
accourding to mine its just spam :d
no-one-knows nick
?? statti ??
statti ?
?!?!?!?! statti
{?} statti {?}
dunno seriously :DDD
and then play with the colors and make the 'I' and 'OWN' the same color ?
but since its you kito
i will
just mess around with colours, like:
^z[^>?^z] ^7Statti (where ">" is unique colour for every player)
or just:
^>? ^7Statti (same thing with ">")
team? Quiki
team? etc.
team & name = white, questionmark = with different colours
team? Statti_
team? Quiki_
team? etc_
or even a "*" insted of the "_" or whatever u want ;-)
U suck I pwn
Your tag would be nice but it needs nice colors and we sux @ colors :<
Statti[but nvm u dont know me]
/whois Statti
Rebel -?:o
NAME? nick
w00t? nick
:U? Statti
Or : uN/?/ Rebel ?
Nick <3Wolf
but meanwhile <<clan>>/***nick
EDIT...join 8bits, I believe they are looking for a new *red* team*...u guys would be better...
How's it going for you, back to work, didn't stop?
gl m8.....
zeroe? statti
name with the same colour as the 2nd questionmark. (each player has his own colour)
1st and the 3rd questionmark with black.
example: ^5Statti ^0?^5?^0?
also this might be useful: