Posted by humM3L on 10-08-2008 at 01:46

Competition 2

The next way you can get your hands on some goodies is to sign up to this website and tell us why you love AMD and ATI along with telling us why you deserve to get your hands on the ATI Radeon HD
video card.

ATI Radeon HD 3850

Listen - Relax - Chill and get a BEER ,
i have a great idea.
There is a contest by TLR ,
i start to rap for my graficard !

I deserve the card so hard ,
because i am so smart.
I love ATi so much ,
the card have a great touch.
Since 2002 i playing games ,
without ATi it would be lame.
My card is very old and i want a newone yes , to get stable FPS.
If you send me one ,
i would be really happy and glad.
If not i getting MAD !!
AMD that's the name ,
to buy intel is a shame.
ThelastResort a well known name , but never forget is only a game.
I hope you understand my rhymes , its for a card and without slimes.

(A)ctually (T)he (I)ndividual NR.1
(A)nd (M)y (D)ream

I really need's a new graficcard i hope i can get 1 with this contest would be great. I use ATi since 2002 , and will never use any other card.

Best Regards Daniel "humM3L" Müller

Greetings to Mike aka la cheffe & RICK !
thanks to mind
better watch out 50cent
even 50 doesn't make so much faults in his rapping xD
need enemy territory rap battle cup
any idea what he means with slimes btw?
if u win the card, sell it and buy english lessons with it

The next competition was the one telling us why you love AMD / ATI so much. There were quite a few entries but one of them stood out and it could be a hit single in the next couple of months, you may have guessed it by now:

country HumM3L
wtf hummel needs the card ?
no way he isnt smart
he is more like a retard
dont play the hard
with ur stupid lines
and ur retarded rhimes
not ATI is the shame
its more your name
c'mon stop the game
and let me flame
dont suck up to ATI will see
they will laugh about you till eternity.
dont start to rap for your graficcard
and start learning english retard.
if you love ati so much
the card with the great touch
then fuck the card i dont care
stop this shit and call the carebear
razzah > humm3l
''stop this shit and call carebear '' <-- :D:D:D::D:D:D:DD::D:D
yo razzah, whats with all the flame
not just that but your rhymes are pretty lame
you repeat too much and abuse the word retard
just because hummel wants a free graphics card
dont flame his english 'coz yours aint any better
its like a kid in preschool trying to write his first letter
you say his name is shamed like its a chronic
considering your reputation I think its ironic
hummel may have rapped for pc hardware
but your reason for rapping is just too much to bear
go back to the shadows and begin to learn
for one day some year you may finally earn
the chance to rap back and setup a real burn
but for now its my rapping skills which you will eternally yearn

yo hypocrite, lyrics look at your own
sounding kind of dumb making me frown
flame razzah, flame whoever you want
just reading those lines, making me rant
atleast i don't think i'm all this or that
yeah i'm all me, original beanie
so you're thinking your shit is the chronic
thinking his is ironic, atleast my raps are atomic
i'm in these shadows, all the way from the underground
just laughing at your verses and flames, that ass-sound
Eternally respect down the drain, expect a bit of laughter
just cause i'm the better man here, i'm a bit faster
all we do is dissin for hardware, dissing for some R
lets fight, any time any place, i'll come for far
now i'm ending this, breakin you and i'm really not fixing it
go back to kindergarden with those lyrics, perhaps the clothes still fit

No offence Meez I like you although you don't know meh :D

:> n1

actually it makes fun to write lines like this :D
We should be rappers! Now lets get some beat, record it and upload it all over Crossfire :P. Cf is your territory! xD
tbh i can try to make a beat xD
im mixen like 2-3 years already and have some ( not many ) experiences with makin beats :P
but after starting a project i lose the interest after 1-2 weeks xD
How would you define your beats/sound? Always wanted to make my own but I wouldn't even know where to start and which hardware that I should acquire :P.
im using FL Studio 7 :)
the drums and staff like that arnt difficult...

but i have problems with the bassline :X
FL Studio 8.0.2 XXL Producer Edition

Imma dl and see what it's like :P.
if you need some samples just pm me ;)
Yeah sure, give me some!
welcome beanhead you changed the subject
and thats an action which I can respect
you came along and saved us from the despair
of sittin' around and rapping about pc hardware

that aside your rhymes are already stale
as crossfire would say its COLON EX DEE FAIL FAIL
you gotta get with the times if you wanna compete
better give up now while you can still retreat
for its getting real now its no longer a prac
you go up against me you better watch your back
this is like ec now son gotta step up your game
if you keep up like this you wont get any fame
'coz I've been around since 2003
youre just another newschooler no more special than Netherlands Spree
you won't beat me that I guarantee

start a new stanza here to split up the beat
its still pretty simple but you make it look like a feat
you flame me for verses yet I didn't have any
just like your braincells 'coz I doubt you have many
better wrap this up if I want your attention
any more and I'll go beyond your comprehension
to you my rapping is like from another dimension
one where we mastered the art of ascension
unlike your pathetic flames you teenage belgian
heres the the last line can you feel the tension?
I fucking laughed my ass off.
leave it to me
Gratitude, you've surpassed my expectations
Respect, you're another one of my frustrations
To go on with this, you think you're hard
I won't let you get me, i'm on guard

Outdated with my stale rhymes, perhaps oldschool
I think crossfire would state LOL MEEZ U FOOL
I'll stick to my own sound, remain true
Maybe you should watch out, i'm coming for you
You'll be another murder I commited that made front page
I'm hitting the first stage of insanity now, i'm not a sage
Don't you agree that life was fun when it still lasted
My heart is broken now, it's sad to see you in this casket
I'm not backing down, i'm not in the game nor do I even need fame
you've been around since 03' still you're dissing me to make your name
never intented to beat you, all I wanted was that R you mentioned
Just lay back and relax, look at you maybe you're the one here tensioned

Those fancy words you're using look marvelous, but looks can kill
So i'm wondering are you unsure about your sexual orientations still
Second stage of insanity, hell yes this is my reality
Still think you're hard, you don't like my mentality?
I'm in the stage of adolescence, I laugh at your mockery
Go on with those beats and verses, those are lovely
But Meez, to end this once and for all
I'm not giving in, not to your knees I fall
But yes I respect you, because of your age, the knowledge you have gained
Sorry, for the murder I commited, making your shirt stained
Bound to these verses, within those words I am chained
I really felt the tension building, when I read it all
Lets chill out, stop dissing, this was really the last call

EDIT: What the hell you're from Korea? I love those clothes over there >_>.
eh? which clothes :E
Asian style, it's like wtfbbq awesome. (Well, the girls that wear it don't like it when guys do). But yeah Korean girls + with that clothing = Rawr.

Shame on you for not knowing! You're an outstanding lyricist(sp?) by the way.
its not really a weird or even different style... if its what i think you are talking about... have an example picture?
Sorry got distracted a moment, here are a few "kawaii" and other asian-style examples

There are actually so many examples. Some are extravagant some are 'normal'. I think I'm getting an asian-fetish here...
meez > razzah, ok but thats not too hard tbh : D
expected comment from retards like you and jago
lol you try to diss me xD


fuck you meez
you smell like cheese
Do you have an appearance-disease?
Everyone starts to breeze
if they see the little meez
You want a fight ?
yes, you heard right
There wont be a place for you to hide
And now you think that you are cool?
oh my god you little fool
I hope you like your rhime
But this lines are mine
pls stop the whine
Dont you see the sign ?
its the sign of your asininity
dont think you have a chance against me
because crossfire is my territory

coming back from the last track , the one was deleted
how you're handling it , iff you can't defeat it ?
started this hot freestyle without a reason
i am cold as ice , not far from freezin
the problem is you can not brake me
guys like you carry a fake ID
iff i see you i'll shoot you down
till you move around , lose a pound , loose it now!
lol everyone rapping here xD
almost believed these were your own words
and your telling me to create own lyric?
i fucked you up on mine , 10 times faster than a Honda Civic
still not spitting on my top speed i do
but still i got respect and ain't hating you
it's just the rhymes that hurting and flowing
can't blame me cause your tempature went glowing...
let's end this battle once and for all
still wanna continue dial my nummer and give me a call!
wtf mad skills inc :P
fucking bad o_O
his english sucks so hard that he really deserves it
das de fuking frenkOl
if I knew this was going on it would be no problem for me and my e-buddy. (warning, dutch)
Wohla those are some cancergood repjes.
izibash to make a better "rap" imo

if i knew that there was such a contest i would beat him izi
just go to a shop and buy the gfx card
it's not too bad . despite english skillZ but I wOOdn't mind much if I ran that competition. It's understandable !
add a C to the journal title please
hehe :)
rap is gay :|
Just pissed myself
Yeah not like that happens 10 times a day, humm3l crap poetry or not...
I have to admit I piss myself frequently when I watch you play RtCW nowadays.
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