CC tijden [dutch]
3 Sep 2008, 21:30
Is het nodig om al 's morgens om 9 uur aanwezig te zijn als zijnde speler op CC of is het ook mogelijk om 's avonds aan te komen? Dit ivm school :D
zeg tegen je ouders dat je direct naar school erheen gaat.
kan niet misgaan!
so stfu
see? fun :D
now i must go
i go where the wind take me, to put a smile on ppl's face
zitten op dezelfde school :D
Spijbelen is 1 maar je kan niet zomaar ff daarna de trein pakken dat merken ze...
Maar grote kans dat je gedurende dag ergens moet spelen, dus spijbel gewoon maar.
en da durft niet spijbelen? :(
tip if you dont want your parents to know:
make a appointment with something like a docter and tell that to your parents (ofcourse first come with some story that you hurt yourself during a gym lesson or something else).. then call the docter and rescedule it to another day (or dont even make a appointment in the first place - that is easier so you can time your train trip perfectly) now: dont forget to tell your parents that you have to come back sometime soon because he (the docter) wants to check your "bad knee/bad ancle" again to see if it is improved since the last time he saw you. (the second time can again be some extra free time because the whole docter stuff was bullshit in the first place - But making that second appointment can be usefull because of the payments your parents get)
thank me later ;)