rtcw :(

ive been playing rtcw recently and wishing it was more active because it seems pritty dead. I find it more fun than et and there seems to be no whining. Are their any revival projects taking place which i could get involved in. It feels completely different in a way which i wish ET was like :(

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i feel you dog...
rtcw 4 life
same here, the rtcw community is nice, but alot of ET players are in rtcw still. But there is the upcoming RTCW cup in 1.4 and afaik there is trying to be a revival of rtcw :)
Why do you find RTCW more fun?

No rifle?
Better maps?
maps are alot different / alot better
the general teamplay is so much different to ET
really nice community, no whine at all :)
The faster gamepace, The no hitsounds, the maps are just so more lovely. Loads of examples.
the venum is fucking cool
also the sniper

tbh the et sniper doesnt give you the feeling of using one :d
its because of the sound the most :>

every quality game judge by his sniper :D
sad but true, RTCW is harder game than ET -> majority plays ET.. the fact its free game also has some influence
agree with this guy, and them game pace is so much faster than ET, i just think people cant part with £10 for an old game. But if RTCW back alive then would own (: but the community isnt even close to dead yet so.. :)
ppl dont play it cos no1 else plays it....if more ppl played it im sure other ppl would too..more ppl = more competition which = more cups which = more prizes to be won which means professional clans will play which will attract big sponsorships..
i wasn't around in the rtcw days although i'd love to play; the hardest part is even knowing where to start; a small community with people using 3 different patches confuses the hell out of me
if anyone is up for it we could try to revive it.
il play with you ;)

not in a sexual way..

..well maybe
its so much like ET and so much different at the same time =)
hard to say which is better
maps are better in RtCW and some things like antilag and forcetapout + little fixes are good in ET
the firering rate is better in rtcw >:D
++++++ 111
i would like to see some good antilag in RTCW, so my 98 ping wont be such disadvantage
RTCW soooo many good times :).
ye i agree, its the better game. But most of the people i play with, play ET :P
I love the faster gameplay, smaller maps, faster rate of fire, smoother play in RTCW :(
rtcw best game ever
ET is dead, go play RTCW!
go play rtcw 1.0, more active and fun
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