rtcw :(
3 Sep 2008, 22:12
ive been playing rtcw recently and wishing it was more active because it seems pritty dead. I find it more fun than et and there seems to be no whining. Are their any revival projects taking place which i could get involved in. It feels completely different in a way which i wish ET was like :(
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STCK *UPDATED* RtCW-Cup II Powered by...
rtcw 4 life
No rifle?
Better maps?
the general teamplay is so much different to ET
really nice community, no whine at all :)
also the sniper
tbh the et sniper doesnt give you the feeling of using one :d
its because of the sound the most :>
every quality game judge by his sniper :D
not in a sexual way..
..well maybe
hard to say which is better
maps are better in RtCW and some things like antilag and forcetapout + little fixes are good in ET
I love the faster gameplay, smaller maps, faster rate of fire, smoother play in RTCW :(