what would you do :~>

if this happened to you?

i have no idea what would i do, but this guy is the biggest loser on Earth :~D

edit: he is the loser, because if he wasnt a loser she would say yes lol :D

random picture:
image: funny-pictures-cat-makes-a-puma-logo
Why he is the loser?

I bet u dont have the courage to do that
i have done worset things !!!!!
went to command super academy to train secret israeli super army force skills ninja stuff etc
id dance the night away x
what a bitch rofl
How can you tell that he's the biggest loser on Earth if you dont know him and you dont even know the reason of the girl...
i would say yes.
Loser is the one who doesn't try,
not the one who fails at trying
you saying it wrong !!!!
Cohen/TheoDor on 04/09/08, 15:20:28 PM | Reply

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it didnt remember the right one, i improvised:P

its like
"Try and fail but
never fail at trying"
Wouldnt call him a looser. She is the looser
both of them are the losers :D
Run after her and tell her to get back in the fucking kitchen!
hahahha :'D
the mascot trying to cheer the guy up is the best :D
just read topic and to that my answer is: wank!

nothing, what should i do? :S
he was rly brave, but failed
in-fucking-deed =DDD

(oh wait you are from isreal, you are excused)
destroy her car
have sex with her sister or smth for compensation
Brave girl, saying no when everyone (including the mascot) was expecting her to say yes. :P
he should have took the micro and asked the hall: is there any other woman in this hall who would marry me? :D
statisticly atlist 1 would say yes :XD
at least i'd have said yes :)
Poor guy.
I'd fuck her over, physically and financially if she really meant 'that much' to me :{
that would be weird

fucking over someone who means alot to you
Just one way of letting the steam off after getting embarrassed like that, fuck knows how many people have seen that guy get his heart broken like that now. Was a risky thing to do in the first place though :P
Deserves himself right for putting her under that much pressure to say yes.

But if it ever happened to me I'd probably cry...
Only thing is, you'd be asking a man. LOL
No I've no plans to marry your mum...
wat squall said.
check my edit !
my point exactly
i would do your mother
lol idd =D
that looked like a "your penis is too small" no
Why just say yes to don't put the biggest shame of the earth on him and say no without cameras.

First, I wouldn't do that.
Second, after that fail, I'll play E.T 24/7 during 1 month doing 3v3 against low-.
maybe he was a dick.
He's not a loser. Though, I'm not sure what's worse, the guys tackiness or the women lacking any tact. She could've easily have said yes in public to save him the embarrassment, then told him no in private.
You are 100% right, but dont forget that shes american and woman.. imo you are expecting too much from her :]
It won't happen to me, sorry.
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