1. Get administrator status in Vista.
2. Set UAC (user account control off)
3. Set DEP (data execution prevention) OFF for ET.exe
4. DO NOT do vid_restart ingame when running Vista
5. Google the steps if you don't othervise know how to do them.
For some people ET works perfectly in Vista. This guy was asking for help, so I gave him advice on the most common problems with Vista, including the vid_restart thingy. I'm sure the piece of information you decided to share with us is very important but I think it was important to note the vid_restart prob in my message aswell :)
it works properly, fps is another thingy..
2. Set UAC (user account control off)
3. Set DEP (data execution prevention) OFF for ET.exe
4. DO NOT do vid_restart ingame when running Vista
5. Google the steps if you don't othervise know how to do them.
If these won't help then it's your own fault.