
so I lost my whole bankroll within 30 mins(finally) , and I can deal with more useful things now.

have fun in my vent...NOW :~<
Lulz deja-vu.. i did the same on the same place 1 and half month ago :D
unluckyness is after you =(
stop ruining cheaters reputation!
how much ?
ahahah oj Konrad Konrad
lol. very wise. i quit poker after playing it loads this summer. i got good at it but the worst addiction in the world to get is gambling. worse than being an alcoholic and addicted to cigarettes tbh. it costs u alot more.
so i didnt wana get addicted to it and didnt wana to start loosing money.
Must have been indeed a great bank roll since you actually did lost it in 30 mins.
i'm up 700$ this week :o)
Oh just won a pot 800 now!
it's an amazing feeling to drop from 2k to zero in less than a day, try it!
I'm being very methodical and disciplined nowadays, just lost some shit, noticed i started playing bad so i quit my session ;)
Besides i usually only do short session anyway, i get bored quick and start playing shit :D
my brothers up $30k from the last 31days

pow powww
Its not you is it WUT WUT?!?!
You spend your time playing shitty AoC (i cancelled my subscr.) Btw they made the game playable now? Not being able to advance through gemcutting and armorsmithing pissed me off so much, and ofc the big grind from lvl 50 onwards....
yeh its easy to lvl that shit now. PvP patch this week too, which will make or break the game now

+ mercenary system for lowbie gankers
+pvp rewards

hmm sounds ok will have to wait on pvp patch to see :)
What do the pvp rewards entail btw?
what blinds are u playing or was it a tournament?
1$/2$ cash games only.
I've got 328$ on my bankroll now, all won out of freerolls and cash tables (0.01c/0.02c) but I'm to scared to play on bigger tables ;<
well played tbh, what site you play at?
NoIQ poker
ah enough fishes on there to move up a bit to a higher stakes table ;) dunno what minimum buy in is per table/blinds tho.
I usually go sit @ 1/2 table with 50$ only, started that with 500$ bankroll but never got down more than 450 so i reckon you could do the same ;)
But a big rule in poker: Never play out of your comfort zone.
So if you're not comfortable playing higher stakes, and feel like it's going fine how it is just stick with it!! problem with 0.01/0.02 tables is that there's a retarded number of calling stations on em...
So i recommend you move up to 0.10/0.20 or preferably 0.50/1, less fishes so more normal poker (still ppl stupid enough to push on nothing) :)
thx for your advice. I think I might try the 0.1/0.2 tables once
I wish you good luck :) And what rly helps me normally is i only play small sessions, i get my 50$ on the table, i lose em i play maybe 1 more 50$ session, i double? Keep sitting at the table till i get blinds, and only play monster hands (big pockets etc). Then leave and maybe do another session with 50$ on another table. Important thing is i never play long whether i'm doing good or bad, that way i can't get over confident or go tilt!
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