cc5 mappoll [et]

what will it look like?

here are some suggestions from my side, no this is not a joke: i'm serious!

sp_delivery_te, sw_battery_te, radar, reactor_final and frostbite.

what is et (or any other game) without new maps and just stick and stick with these old and overplayed map (supply, grush...). it's pretty much stuck.

what do you think and what are you maps for the poll?

goldedunk plox
i really like the quakecon feeling of reactor, but it prolly sucks to play it....
I rly enjoyed playing reactor @ officials anyway (especially first part) i like the map though second part could use some tweakings...
radar goldrush supply bremen delivery adlernest (maybe battery)
You're not telling me that you LIKE to play grush :'(
loL Goldrush best et map imo best 6v6 map tbh its great if you have stable fps.

wallaloe je weet zelf swa
I've got stable fps and yet it sucks :'(

wallaloe =D
New maps should be forced at LAN, so we'd get plenty of idea of how they work in competition and would also promote them since alot of people will watch cc5 VODS etc. Or at least some sort of show match/tournament (for fun)

edit, play village. Just do it.
Village sucks, play sottevast.

Anyway I would say:
Bremen, radar, goldrush, supply, adler, delivery, battery
What is sottevast like again? Is that the one with the plane generator or something?
b4 - frost - et_beach - et_ice - adler - random map
Warbell is too complicated in my eyes :'). I'd rather see crevasse back
delete braundorf and it would be awesome.
sp_delivery, adlernest, supply, radar, sw_goldrush, bremen + perhaps one map that could make cc5 unique :)
adlernest FTW!!!
radar, goldrush, supply, bremen, sp_Delivery, sw_battery_b4
gr,bremen, sp_delivery, supply, radar, and maybe some new maps? snatch3?(havent played it) Reactor would be nice
bremen, radar, battery, goldrush, supply, adlernest
- adler + delivery :-)
where can i snipe then ? :(
reactor is just horrible, lotto and chaotic. maybe fun to watch but horrible to play.
frostbite is a less-than-average map, a bit lotto and not rly fun to play. a bit better in 3on3 than in 6on6.
supply and grush are overplayed because they are the best maps in ET / competition, they can't just be removed imo.

i would go for "radar, sw_goldrush_te, supply, bremen, sp_delivery_te, sw_battery_te"
i definitely think bremen should be in it too. I agree with not adding braundorf and supply. And how about sw_oasis_b3
I would fo for radar, supply, bremen and goldrush. everything else just sucks!
oasis, bremen, radar, tc_base, goldrush (THE OLD ONE!!!), reactor_Final
oasis goldrush battery railgun fueldump radar
Radar, Supply, Goldrush MUST be in the mappool.

Possible 4th and 5th: Bremen_b2, sp_delivery

!NOT!: Railgun or any stupid sw version of it, Braundorf, Adlernest
Someone should hurry up and make sw_railgun.
totally agreed
Not goldrush >.<
mappool of retrocup.
That is the most retarded map pool ever.

I would go with Radar, Goldrush, Supply, Bremen, Adler and sp_delivery.
Radar, Supply, GR, Bremen, Sp_delivery + battery, karsiah, oasis.
radar gr railgun supply adler
cc5 maplist:
grush, radar, supply and bremen + special delivery and adlernest.

New maps should be tested in OC premier.
No goldrush, no win
radar, grush, supply, special delivery, bremen > all
+maybe new battery, though it's a failmap
Aslong as Braundorf and Frostbite are not in, I'm happy :-[
- Supply ( Just is a good competition map )
- Sw_Goldrush_Te ( Good teamplay map and specially on LANS it nice to see )
- ET_Ice ( Nice relativly small map good short-ranged action map )
- ET_beach ( Bringing RTCW influence, good map if played with good teams )
- Radar ( Just is THE map to play a final match on! )
- Snatch3 ( To take a real newschool map to see what the "pro's" to with it )
Ice, beach, snatch?

hahaha =DDDDDDD
delivery is shit. so shit. fuck that map is shit so shit
delivery / battery (new) / sw_goldrush_te / radar / bremen / braundorf
battery oasis goldrush radar fueldump railgun
sos_secretweapon <- has the 'feeling' init
sp_delivery_te <- needs good attack tactics
sw_battery_b4 <- keeps you going
dubrovnik <- something different
sw_oasis_te <- teamplay over ramboing

radar/frostbite/adlernest <- fast docrun is must for thrillers

cathedral (?)
sd, gr and radar + 2 random maps to fill in the mappool

bremen would be cool if you bring mg back to your cfg!
The be a bit different:

Radar, Goldrush, Supply Depot, Special Delivery, Adlernest, Frostbite
Radar, Goldrush, Supply Depot, Special Delivery, Reactor, Battery
Radar, Adlernest, Dubrovnik, Battery (b4 version), Snatch3, Reactor
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