zomg zomg zomg


God fucking damnit. If you didn't obtain yourself a copy of this game yet, punch yourself in the face and go get it right now! This game is more then pwn, it's TEH pwn!

im off palypalying again, baibai :DDD

image: comic_spore_Will
what is it about watched some vids but didnt get it
its like some blakc & white like tamagotchi game ?
You start out as a tiny cell in the ocean, you have to eat yourself a way up in evolution (you get to build new parts to and adjust your beast once you've collected enough DNA). After a while you're far enough to equip feet and go on land. There you start out really simple by making friendly tribes, or attack ones, and again you can continuesly upgrade your beast (throughout the whole game). Then you go small-tribe, you start building your own village. Then you go conquer the planet, and then as a last step you go into space and conquer the whole galaxy. Every planet is adjustable n stuff, it's rly awesome!

Don't download it though, online is also awesome! :D
Spore is created by the devil to seduce young children into false beliefs. God will prevail.
had it, played it, lost my save, uninstalled that shit game
getting it tomorrow \o/
Will download it when i fix my hd

testing the trial. sounds like it could be good but at the same time complete shit. soon see x)
Actually I think u can't really judge that by the trial. Just buy the game, I can assure you it's worth it ;)
if I did judge it by the trial, I would buy it thats for sure.
Well, the full game is soooo much more advanced! It's crammed with details, it's even so advanced that you, for exampke, can actually even create your own folklore with the ingame music editor, just to name something ^^
agree me and my gf are addicted to it
"sometimes... sometimes the diaper leaks" OMg D:DDD:DD::DDDD
its online or?
ye, and it's massive! :D
but u need to buy to play online, amirite?
I myself am not sure, but I read alot of ppl saying that ye. + Also you really want to buy this game, it's just worthy it's money (and u support pcgaming with it, since it's nearly dead).
i want to buy fifa09, max payne3 and pop4, they are my favorite games, hopefully they wont quit making em
but ive no money currently for any games, + mom bothers me too much if i buy more games ill have no time for schoolshiat
o well, w8ing forward to gw2 <3
lol @ pic
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