Finland versus Poland

I watched the Finland Finland versus Poland Poland match. It was, no exaggeration, the first ETTV match I've watched since CPC2. And, it was awful.

Half the Polish team are relatively unknown. This isn't just a case of being away from the scene (and not being up-to-date). Dialer and wiesiek are well established players, albeit relatively inactive and without any real success. zMk has moved up to the top tier of ET, and you can easily trace his progression if you've followed ET for a while.

The Finnish team, despite their loss, was very strong on paper. Stuka was the only 'weak' player, and he's in the same bracket as someone like zMk (if not higher). Which begs the question, how can Poland with only half a team of known stars beat Finland so easily?

The Polish grenades were immaculate, especially on Supply' attack. Literally every Finnish spawn there were at least two 'nades on each front door. Finland 'lost it' when Squall went stupid as the truck hit the west corner and he decided not to pick up his team mate. He tried to kill the engineer with his pistol. He didn't and then killed out.

This left the Polish player to take the truck home, without any trouble, meaning the rest of the team could focus on spawn camping. I was surprised at this lapse because Finland actually dug in well after a ridiculous first stage defense, I thought they'd manage another minute or two, at least.

Goldrush was just boring to watch. Poland were all over Finland from start to finish.

On a separate note. I like, for varieties sake, wiesieks' style. He doesn't have the best aim, but he's put in the aiming category (and spots on the maps), so he has to face the likes of Squall etc.

He compensates for his ('worse') aim with a more defensive style which means he usually catches people out. I only remember one occasion in two maps where he was completely out aimed, but it was irrelevant as he had already done his job. Camping the bottom of tunnel on Supply defense probably caused at least two or three Finnish attacks to be broken down. And, at least one plant to be wasted. This was probably the most enjoyable 'moment' of the match, from a spectator point of view.

Bad game. I hope the final will be better. If someone wants to be helpful, get me an IP for the Belgium versus Germany match!
nice review :)
another exciting episode of evan's adventure on ETTV
why so harsh ? :OOX
pretty much agree with you but not with everything ! :P
nice :)

you should do this more often...

be something like a matchwriter @ cc5 xD
nice review
need more
But wait, who are you?:J
nice panzer vs engy on gold <3
you don't know? shame on you
it's evanbraakensiek! Don't you know him?!

Well, nothing strange :-)
lol @ wiesek tbh......
now u c what i was talkin about :D
Tbh you lol @ everyone who own you. ET paranoia! Start being REALLY HONEST and admit that everyone can beat you without using cheats retard, thats the way you will stop banning people for stupid and paint-created .avi's

Tbh your .avis sux and ofc your behave is pathetic. Wiesiek just played very well.
he was too obvious..
POL vs. BEL @ NC Finals, fail imo.
disagree that stuka is "weaker" than anyone else
Finland Stuka is the new Finland mystic.
wiesiek is a smart player and has stable aim, you can't wish for much more.
stable especially on lan yeah ;D
is he shit on LAN then? I didn't play him there, so I won't judge.

he isn't a cheater, that's just ridiculous
heard so ;[
LoL, I've seen how he played at LanPartySlask,LanPartySlask2,LanPartySlask3,PoznanGameArena2005,PoznanGameArena2006,GGTLAN 2008,ONLINELAN, and he pwned, he played also at CPC2 but i wasn't there!
well, dunno
dont backup
ty koksie :D!
lol read cuntface should b ger vs bel.. :)
well i dont c where he calls wiesiek a cheater :( or is it me?
sorry for calling you a cuntface, have fun being drunk:P

peace out
stuka weak ? haha :D
I havent followed any match since 2-3 seasons but the funny thing is ex-cheaters are posting accusing comments. ( I dont even know what was the polish lineup so im not saying I belive they are clean and skilled )
you are better at watching ettv than you were at playing the game :D
ok sorry mister
teamplay vs mix??
too much to read imo

but I bet on pol, knew they would win anyways.......
The final is going to be delicious, hmm.
now thats racism!
Stuka is weak? :D saying that u dont know anything about anything
I think he said stuka is the most 'weak' in finland team, but not 'weak'. Ofc all fin players are skilled, there's no one weak, you know.
Are u from cuba really? ;o
no, I just removed the finnish flag bcuz they lost to Lolland
Country quitter :<
you wont care if your a racist!
You must excuse me that I stopped reading after 6 lines, but I found the text to be utter bullshit. When I spotted the sentence stating that Polish grenades were immaculate, I presumed the rest of the text is about "Polak hax0rs". And when I have read that stuka is weak...

Firstly, nicks do not play, it's up to the humans.
Secondly, every Polish player that participated in the match is widely known within Poland. Why should anybody care if some lowskilled British webwriter inactive from et-scene for many months haven't heard some of the nicks? I really hope that crossfire people don't think this way, otherwise they are narrow-minded - or shorter - ignorant.
Lastly, me and my teammates believe that most of Poles are very hard to be beat at supply. I think it's because they simply play it 24/7, so they have every grenade, every wall, etc practised to the limit of skill...

Few months ago I wouldn't respond, but I learned that there are many ignorant people within community who are in charge, for example Bartichello (but he doesn't count as he is clanbase admin, so that's obvious).

I hope I answered to your question about how could Finland lose to Polish players tonight.

he is not the only one who doesnt know the players :(
but whats wrong about it? ;-(
dont you have the feeling that it's rather a problem of yours than of the guy you dont know?
Romans haven't heard of Hannibal either and he pretty much dominated them out of nothing :}
hahahahaha....... right :D
Hanibal descended from a line of powerful generals and leaders of the migthy Carthage...

Just for the record, i only know some of these polish players from playing them on med+ wars.
leave ma alone, couldn't think of a random flame comment any faster :<
There is a time lapse of 40minutes ;D
but i wasn't @comp =(
dont worry, it sounded like a nice comparison at first! :p
oké so all the dumbfucks with no education won't notice >:)
haha, ill hide my comment! :p
bit like stuka & torspo @ finland
no ei teitäkään melkee kukaa euro tuntenu tietävän ja hirvee koodivine molemmille
no eihä meit mitkää lowskillit tunne. kaikki kovat vaa
Yer assumption be way off... try readin 'n comprehendin.
Well, now after reading a little more I see that the guy made a little review of the match and exaggerated wiesiek's skill. But that doesn't change the fact that the paragraph containing whine at "unknown" players is really <insert random hating word>.
There's no whine what so ever. You're way off, internet star.
It is a whine, Internet star.
now thats racist!
I know it sounds like excuses but the last game we played before this evening was the official against czech(?). I myself broke my headphones and been busy for the previous 3 weeks so didnt really have time to play. our game was total chaos, not to mention polish people being absolutely unhittable.

gg's though.
anti3 failed? :D
wasnt used at all
no point using some extra program when 0 random & suspicious guys are playing
actually Poland used it, we didnt :P
Poland have played superb so fair in this tournament and out of all the teams, only Belgium can come close to them in terms of fluidity and measurable individual talent shown.

It's a shame most people have tuned into the games at such a late stage, some of the group games were much better from a spectator POV.
hell yeah! CZE 2:4 BEL & CZE 4:2 UK
wiesieks one of the best aimer out there tbfh
stuka is one of the best finnish aimers and stats-players there is.
time to remove finnish flags, I told you guys to take olBaa but you didn't listen, here is what you get, DESERVED !

ps. great analyze of the match, keep up the good work evan
why being so negative against me all the time?
it's the truth, lu sucked
maybe thats the truth idd but still that doesnt explain why are you being so negative against me all the time.
i am sorry
"He compensates for his ('worse') aim"

are you really talking about wiesiek ?
Nice one Evan, saves me from watching the replay!
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