Another Fusen proposal + tips on what I'll be doing this weekend

Fusen, one thing I wait for you to add t o the warning messages would be a quote of what comment has the warning been given for. It makes it easier for regretful rules violators not to make the mistake again (if stated unclear in the rules).

Crossfire, one thing I want you to do is give me advice on what to do tomorrow. Plans I have so far include: hoovering the ceiling, doing my homework, prepare a little speech on the British school system for my English class, have myself some nicely cooked lunch and, possibly inviting some friends over for some drinks and laughs. What else can I do, I don't feel it's enough to fill a whole constructive Saturday :/

Thanks in advance, that hattfatt guy.
i read "regretful rule violators" and i think /facepalm

for the evening: go out somewhere! (disco/club etc..) :)
Can't go out:
a) no parties around that I know of
b) clubbing is nothing for me
c) have to feed the birds in the morning, and when drunk I can't be to certain to be at home in time :/
a) + b) ok :(

but about c) feed them now! :D

well then get a ps2/ps3 and get singstar, its a hell of fun with some alc :D
Having a beer would be a start indeed. Feeding them now will only get them fatter and it doesn't change the fact I have nowhere to go after all.
i hope your planes for tomorrow are including me :d
Go out and have a blast.
have myself some nicely cooked lunch and +1
babi pang gang > all
sol > you
in his dreams
dreams become reality
didn't see sol is god? so he can just control everyone and make dreams come tr0
nop I > god
what do you call yourself then?
Well gotta go eat a loempia and rice, hf spamming and receiving points mister Eddo > god
chain = spam :<
If I were you I'd stay inside, the outside world is scary
Tell us moar!
2nd that
here is a tip for me: go to bed, turn down a bit the light and think of a new cool way to improve crossfire
you're not alone check my profile
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