ok how fail is it

Polish dude cheated on the olympics and still got 4th place :/

shoutout to Team Ego, zphn and all mah fanbois :P

Epic fail
Well, he's still better than most of the non-cheaters.
Well, he's still better than most of the non-cheaters.
Well, he's still better than most of the non-cheaters
he's probably better then you assuming you are a non-cheater
is it hard to read english for polish ppl? "assuming you are a non-cheater"
why should i flame ? :o
Bimbot failed!
not very fail cause its like in et
the poltards are lowskilled. they cheat. now they are close to med.but they are still not winning anything
like ur father?
no, like the sorry ass gangbanged mom of yours who got pregnant cause some hobo raped her at the train station.
wow really?
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