30 days of night

I just watched it, OMG much blood there.. but I rly liked the movie
What do you think about it?

image: daysofnightDM_468x555
Yawn predictable and full of flaws.
Went to see it when it first came out. Was decent but nothing special.
donno come msn
this film is a pile of shit.
gg from poet :<
config was nice
it wasn't even scary :(
hahaha i love this movie, its old now but still a good movie
I watched it with my girlfriend ... and hear anxiety made the film even more scary. liked it; especially because of the vampires fucking moving speed and trickjumpskillz^^
they are real you know...
this pic looks like random pic :<
boring >;
apart from the blade trilogy, one of the better vampire movies, however it got kind of predictable after a while.
a film that you watch one day, and forget about it the next
ive seen it months ago already :$
thought it was really shit. watched about half of it before i turned it off
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