Ergonomic keyboard

Hello crossfire geeksquad!

I want to get rid of my noisy keyboard and buy new one. Additional info: it should be slim (something like a a notebook keyboard), ergonomic (with wrist support) and cost around 20-30 euros. Any ideas?

Thats a pimp keyboard. Is there a pink version? [/sarcasm]

This is a "serial" journal! :( I'm serial!!!11
Sexy :D. I hope it has a nice touch feeling.
it really has, but i don't know if it's suitable for gaming... normally those keyboards which are 'silent' have buttons which are more difficult to push (ok it's only a few milliseconds, but they really do matter there)
I wouldn't buy it anyway :). I'm more into classic things :P.
I was thinking about something like this.,en
Dunno if it's ergonomic though :(.
i doubt that one is silent:P and i'm sure it's not ergonomic either. just go to a shop and keep trying them out, i believe they can not sell keyboards at a high price... :P when you find one which feels alright, ask them to connect it to a pc coz u wanna try it out. they will do it for u :)
I'll do that but I was hoping for some hints about what to look out for :(. Thanks anyway!
That piece of equipment is 200 bucks :D.
around 150 euros here, i admit it's expensive tho
image: logitech_deluxe
i used to have this one for like 10 years, i only threw it away bcoz it became really dirty =|
Same problem here. It has a lot of dirt between the keys and I don't think I can recover it :(.
well, just go to a shop and do what i've told u before.
btw i'm using this one now:
image: 00018881abb
hama ET200 Multimedia Keyboard
it's an old model, but i like that it's fast ~~ the buttons are extremely easy going
Looks nice :D. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look for this company around.
just put hama et200 to google and you'll find offers right away ;) gl
it isn't a silent keyboard, in fact, it would be, but i'd say it both supports fast and slow typing. when ur pushing the buttons slowly, it almost gives no sound at all, but when you hit them, it's quite loud - although not too loud :)
you might have to modify your keys for gaming, coz the keys are not exactly at their regular places (i used to jump with alt, now i have to do that with space...not a big deal/problem), but overall the whole thing is pretty good and i would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a cheap keyboard
i'm happy with it :)
heh i have something similiar.. it ownz... when i am pissed i can trow it from the window or so, and new one cost only 8 euros :]
the king of gay keyboards
at least it's 'ergonomic' :P
if you can use it as a dildo then its ergonomic
thought the same ;D
real boys use plastic keyboard :~D
Real jews use plastic women :D.
atlist they wont cheat on me like your whore girl friend :~D
She didn't cheat me with a jew so I still love her <3.
thats what you think
kabel eih ani shober aoto :~D
She doesn't like it small so I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken :P.
you should be carefull then because she'll leave you the next time she cheats with someone that has a bigger penis then you :D

Edit: Its none of my business but if she rly cheated on you and this is no joke why the fuck you still together, she'll really fuck you over eventually, mark my words :D
Cohen knows shit. I'm just teasing him :P. Ofc it's not true.
no wonder, jews got taste in women, none will sleep with a fucking nympho lol xD
i remember you said she count how many times you had sex right? xD
she do that with everyone, she prolly have a black note book with all the guys she slept and still sleeping :DDD

lol prolly your whole village/city is written there :XDDDDDDDDDDDD
I can't read what you said :(. I got lazy to keep pushing the (+) button. Soz!
you dont have energy to push a (+) button? xD
like i said, you are not a real man, no wonder why your girlfriend cheating on you with the whole village :d
i don't live in his village
what sad is, he all the time try to curse me by stigna on jews, and he is the one who have the biggest nose i have ever seen xDDD

poteto nose =DDD
dual sup !
he'd make a perfect stereotype jew.
lol the irony xD
HP and IBM keyboards from late 80s / early 90s are great and you can find them for free in heaps of garbage. However, if you don't have a ps2 port you can forget about those.
I do... but i want the keys to be pushed easy and to have something to put my wrist on when playing for example.
pidar ! =D
why you never online on irc ? :(
don't know :<
Logitech UltaX is the slolution for you
ultrax* and you might be right, looks nice
Logitech UltraX
its the keyboard of satan ! XD
ocz elixir
Get a DVORAK-keyboard, those are made for speed.
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