sucks to play it with steam, but buy it from steam and install rtcw from steam and open rtcwkey and take out the cdkey and install normal version of rtcw and uninstall steam !
rtcw @ steam
6 Sep 2008, 18:37
50% off = 9.99$
go for it doodz.......................................
go for it doodz.......................................
yeh steam is for faggots
yep ;D
first time u agree with me !
whoa :o
i prefer single player so i dont need to buy it
It's only £3/£4 to buy it anyway, no biggie
the flag doesnt suit you :<
One can only dream they're Finnish :(
its just weird to see it in one line with your name :< but im gonna watch some football byebye ( moikka )
bb \o/
anyone who doesnt is a cheater ¬_¬