DK Talent 2008

So to annoy Ireland Sol, who was liking all of my posts about the Danish edition of X-Factor, I've decided to start posting stuff about the Danish edition of "Got talent".

I already have a favourite to win the whole thing, which is the Robotguys (starts at 0:55), but only if they are able to come up with new stuff for the rest of the show.

Then there is an amuzing and weird guy Gustav, with a whisteling talent (starts at 1:15).

Finally there is a great singer, Thomas the singing baker (starts at 1:12).

So, give me your opinion :)
Robot Boys PWN !!!
whistle guy is nice, must be some kind of trumpet/horn player
singing guy is pretty average, liked the kid that won last year more - even though he sounded nasal.
you don't see much of the robot boys. stupid camera always zooms in too close.
Danish people don't have any skills at all, unless you consider having no skills a skill
Danish sounds very much like dutch!
Danish sounds like someone trying to speak norwegian with a cock down their throat
Why is there always a female jury member who goes totally wild on those performances? :D
I tend to like females going totally wild :)
Whistler is indeed nice
hahaha gustav ftw :)
Am i the only one seeing the irony in a whistling guy called Gustav?
Yeeeeeeeeees, maybe it's a Norwegian thing?
Gustav aka hurricane, and Gustav the whistler? :P
DK ownage!
He is so faaaaaaaaaaar out :)
but he 4sure got talent :DD<!
Det er sgu en anelse sørgeligt at man kan komme på landsdækkende tv ved at opføre sig som en hjerneskadet 7-årig... og endda endnu værre at han går videre!
Jeg er holdt op med at se det efter ham mande stripperen gik videre. Det er simpelthen så åndsvagt hvis man kan kalde det talent.

Men det da meget underholdende :D
Jeg kunne ikke være mere enig!
fucking great journal, the robot guys are wtf idd :P

€: whos the hot chick?
Julie Steincke
talking bout sol

Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 6 Sep 08, 18:30
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 6 Sep 08, 18:26
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Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 5 Sep 08, 00:02
From the looks of how the guys acted at the whistling vid I conclude that danish people are retarted?
Why is that?
Those are the most retarted jury members I ever saw! :D but the robot guys were amazing!
that robotguys are cool.
SOL!!, language rule 15 points please
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