Mumble Channel

Since w3st has some problems on ventrilo (starts lagging when talking) we'd like to try out mumble // is there anyone who could give us a channel or w/e

Ehmz I thought there was some free server which they give away or smth like that.
anyway gl.
I can't
use team chat -.-
Great joke!
if you hav a root server install it yourself...
w3st talks too much shit anyway, he doesn't need to talk :D:D:D <3
whats with r-play vent``?
No, lazio.
Try msn webcamchat with audio on.
ts2 sucks donkey ballz

imo mumble is better
I have a mumble server running, I haven't really configured anything yet and I'm not sure how stable it'll be pingwise, but if youre up for testing find me on irc

I think there may be public mumble servers which allow user created channels although it would be a pain to recreate the channel (i presume like ts2 it would be deleted when you exit)
till 21 september yes. pm cryptz.
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