f1 belgium

haha lol @ last 3 rounds xD

bb Finland Räikkönen*
lucky United Kingdom Hamilton
gg clever Germany Heidfeld

image: k4buee6u


its always funny how you discuss about things and think that you are right and everyone else is completely wrong


this is the reason why you wtach it :D
what does it have to do with belgium?
gp was in spa belgium :>
Completely nothing.
sry but isnt spa in be ?
:// raikkonen should have won! would have been 4th consecutive spa win. fucking hamilton
Raikkonen is just a noob, he should've stayed calm once he regained the lead. He just doesn't have the skills to drive in difficult conditions like this, he can only push down the throttle and see where it ends, no sensitivity at all.
the funny thing is that the german commentator said like 10 rounds before the crash that Räikkönen learned from his faults last year and that he would rather be 2nd than risk a crash

rofl we saw what happen :D
nope wrong... he said that about hamilton NOOB ! :D
lol rly ?

oops xD
so true, he is nothing special, just that he has been at the right place at the right time (drivers like webber, vettel, heidfeld are way better than him and they will never get the chance to be part of a top team)...
Like you knew something about it.
no offense, but
Like you knew something about it.
webber is the most skilled driver (together with hamilton), period.
Why does he never win then? ::D
bcoz he is in a crappy team, ferrari wanted to sign him but he didn't wanted to lick the ass of schumacher.. even this way he finished top3 many times!
And there are no other good teams than ferrari? ;d
nah.. i didn't say that. but he didn't get the chance to show himself in top team. guess mclaren just didn't want him. but nvm
Wow, you sure know a lot about F1.
yeah sure, a noob, hes only won belgian f1 grand prix the 3 previous times. the spa track is considered to be the best and most demanding track on the whole circus.
Well, he's not a complete noob, but I got angry at him for doing this "do-or-die" manouvre instead of using his brains and collect 2nd place or even more. Especially with the penalty Hamilton got, he could've won the race and even made it a Ferrari 1-2
penalty :-O? hamilton got punished?
Yes, 25 second penalty, so now Massa wins, Heidfeld 2nd, Hamilton 3rd.
McLaren will appeal though, so it could be changed again after the appeal. But I doubt that.
Amazing end of the race.
heidfeld pwnd haha @ intermedia tires ;Đdddddddddddddd
hungarian commentator was like:
he was untill halfway the last lap
i know :D that's the curiosity ;p unlucky ;i
I love that hungarian commentator :DDDD I can't understand any word from him, but he's great
lame for raikönnen, was a boring race tho
last , k lets say 5 rounds were pretty cool D:
lold idd, Räikkönen*
Hamilton should get a penalty for overtaking Raikkonen, he cut the chicane and only gave back the lead for 10 meters. He clearly got an advantage out of it, so he should get punished for that.
Räikkönen pushed him out of the track and to avoid a collision Hamilton had to go straight on. He gave back the lead position to Räikkönen on the straight right after it happened and was behind Räikkönen when he tried to pass him again.

There is no penalty involved in this.
hamilton fanboy ? :D
Of course he needed to cut it to keep going, but he passed Raikkonen with that manoeuvre and only "technically" gave back the lead by letting Raikkonen pass for a short while (more like side by side). But he made sure that he had an advantage going into La Source. So he maybe played it by the rules, but it's more rule abuse than obeying them imo.
side by side? He let Räikkönen pass on his right side and was BEHIND him when he overtook him the second time, ALSO via the right side, so it was simply giving back his position fully before overtaking him again.

Are you a ferrari fanboy?
It was a smart move of Hamilton, but like I said: very calculated to take back the lead. After cutting the chicane, he shouldn't even get into the lead.
And yes, I'm a Ferrari fanboy, but not a Raikkonen fan. Schumi all the waaaay!!! (McLaren stinks!)
a Schumi fanboy wanting to talk about fairness in racing?! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA please gtfo.
That's a cheap shot. Of course Schumacher wasn't an angel, but there isn't a (successfull) driver who was. Schumacher always got blamed more cause he was successfull (and German). People listened way too much to retards like Olav Mol or some biased English fags.
No mate, I watch the shit myself and make my own opinions about it but Schumacher is by far the most evil F1 driver ever. Australia 1994 anyone? Damon Hill ring a bell? Schummie is a very good driver but also a very nasty one.
I agree that Adelaide '94 and Jerez '97 weren't the most glorious Schumacher days, but he got blamed for it his whole carreer by certain people. There was only one man who deserved to win the title in '94, but they did everything to prevent that, so eventhough Schumacher was wrong by closing on to Hill, the WDC was well deserved.
People also tend to forget what Prost and Senna did, nobody ever kept whining about that. Also keep in mind that the same Damon Hill of '94 bumped Schumi off the track twice in '95
What Schumacher did was deliberately knock Damon Hill off the track after making a mistake himself, so that both would not finish and the WDC would end up in his pocket. That, by far, is the most evil thing you can do ever. Sure Hill has pushed Schumacher of the track as well, but was it as deliberate as making sure your direct competition does not finish cuz otherwise he would win the WDC? Nah mate, Schumacher is a great driver but he's a very nasty one as well.
Considering Schumacher drove 250 races and there were only a few incidents where Schumacher behaved badly, imo it's biased to say he was a nasty driver. Look at what Senna did to Prost, he even announced he would shoot him off the track if Prost would lead after the start. One of the reasons why I don't like McLaren is because they always pointed their finger at Schumacher/Ferrari while they did more scandalous things themselves.
Talking about the 2007 spy-scandal?
No, talking about illegal things on the car. Or pointing a finger at Ferrari for using team-orders while they do it themselves just as much, even this year. Or how Coulthard conveniently took out Schumacher at Spa '98.
Want to talk about the wings on the ferrari's in the 2007 championship? See, I can do this too. Throw mud about the teams back and forth.

Every team does things to their car that borders or exceeds the rules and regulations. That happens in any sport and I'm sure that both Mclaren and Ferrari are guilty of a few things in that regard.
True, formula 1 is a nasty world with lots of stretching of rules and regulations. And I'm not saying that McLaren is the only guilty one. I'm just pointing out that Schumacher and Ferrari always got critisized double hard for their action, which influenced the opinion of people about Schumacher being nasty.
But lets not dive into the same good old discussions that will never end or be won by anyone. My heart is with Schumacher and Ferrari, yours is with Hamilton/McLaren. If you wanna continue discussing formula 1, let's do it over some beers at CC5 maybe? ;-)
I'm not a McLaren/Hamilton fanboy. I just like F1.
Then we already got something in common :)
I found it funny in Germany gp this year, when Kovalainen ACCIDENTALLY drove the corner too long and Hamilton ACCIDENTALLY had an advantage to overtake him. Every team does this though
True. I'm not against team-orders at all, since F1 is kind of a teamsport too. But officially it's forbidden to give out team-orders. Back in the days when Schumacher and Ferrari did it, it wasn't even forbidden, but still lots of people judged them for it. Now it is forbidden and the same people who wanted Schumacher to burn in hell, don't even mention it when it happens ^^
I remember spa one year when it was wet, Damon Hill took out Schumi - I was so happy :P
then you have a bad memory, cause that never happened
Well not that bad a memory since it was 10 years ago, anyway was Couthard + Schumi, Hill won the race ;)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKbQQA_8BnE (5:20 -->)

I know what you meant, but okay, I'll change it to semi-bad memory ;-)
dunno about that but this was great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4uNSYTnhnA
that was excellent indeed, I bet Zonta is still shaking about that one :D
juice fight check this one, classic
haven't seen this, what was that about :D
Classic Irvine moment: let's throw some of this juice at Hakkinen. The rest of it was the same as in kindergarden: if he throws a glass of juice at me, let me throw the entire can at him. With daddy Schumacher in the middle, desperately raising his hands: "what can I do, kids"
he forced himself into cutting the chicane imo...
its impossible to do 2 cars in same time i think :<
but if they werent that lame @ 2nd pitstop he would have been before Germany and would got that rain stuff
lololol, gtfo lewis, gg both fins
Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany

We got ze power, lalalalalalala...

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany
Hamilton made a mistake in the beginning of the race which gave Räikkönen the lead.
Hamilton stayed behind Räikkönen with a 1 to 6 second margin throughout the entire race.
Hamilton gained on Räikkönen and passed him.
It starts to rain and Räikkönen spins off the track.
Hamilton is also having trouble controlling the car but manages to keep it on track.

Can you PLEASE tell me where the luck is?
they knocked, hamilton cuts the corner, gives raikkonen his place back, but in way that gives him it back in the next corner, pentalty deserved imo, and then raikkonen makes a pirouette and finally hits the wall, 3x luck for hamilton, get some objectivism
They didn't knock, Räikkönen went wide to keep his position in the chicane and as a result Hamilton has to avoid a collision and go straight on. In turn this results in cutting the chicane and as a result of that he has to give back the position to Räikkönen, which he did.

Where is YOUR objective analysis other than "Lucky Hamilton".

You are most likely a Ferrari fan and it's common knowledge that those aren't very objective.
he gave it back but for a while, in the way which gave him 99% chances to take 1st place back, and if he didnt cut the corner he would have been like 3-4 seconds behind him, so was that really fair? officialy it was but it wasnt fair for me.
3-4 seconds? wtf dude, if you REALLY want to look at this objectively you should look what the positions were before they even went into the chicane. Hamilton's car was slightly ahead of Räikkönen's car and Räikkönen decided to put his care to the wide left which gave Hamilton no other option than to drive straight trough to avoid a colllision and give the position back to Räikkönen. He was BEHIND Räikkönen, right behind his tail and if Räikkönen would've went to the right side instead of the left he would've still been behind Räikkönen.

Hamilton won fair and square. That's racing mate.
Thats more like your opinion than racing, but ok
No, that's racing. Positioning yourself cleverly in order to pass ppl and win races.

You may not find it fair but if things are done within the boundaries of the F1 rules then it's simply racing smart.
ronner is totally right homes
I ll never change my opinion, Hamilton saved a lot of meters cutting that corner, It wouldnt be possible to attack 1st position if he kept on the track
raikonen got bowled off by that asian dude, think its about the third time this season.... mclaren any1?
not really, Nakajima fucked up indeed, but Raikkonen got out in front while Hamilton was struggling hard. But then Raikkonen was way too eager on the throttle and spun off. He was lucky to not end the race there already. He had the perfect opportunity to put the pressure on Hamilton, but he fucked it up really fast.
afaik that wasn't nakajima but rosberg.
who cares, some slow-ass Williams
A williams that spun off the track a few seconds before Hamilton and Räikkönen reached the same point.
His timing to get back on track was lousy. He easily could've cause a collision with Hamilton and/or Raikkonen. Just like Trulli did a powerturn at the "busstop" chicane while a whole bunch was coming into the corner.
What trulli did should indeed be punished cuz that was simply dangerous. I don't think Rosberg is to blame much in that situation. It's raining and he spun off. A f1 car on slicks in the rain is quite hard to control when it spins in the rain. But anyway, we saw too little of Rosbergs spin to judge fairly wether it was his mistake that made such a dangerous situation.
looked like a pit manouvre to me tbh
*ferrari moron detected*
Formel 1 ....

Entertainment =

image: neue%20wand
This wall looks interesting :o)
from what is that wall made off?
räikkönen drove to a wall? :<<
nope the wall hit Räikönen

fucking lame wall
omg destroy it imo!
he did already...
woohooo germany...
anyway,who cares about F1 -_-
since m schumacher doesnt participate anymore i watched like 2-3 races only

but this one was quite funny
I still watch all races, but it's not the same anymore indeed. It's a bit comparable to cycling, since Armstrong stopped, it's more like a title for "best of the rest".
its actually more exciting without a guy dominating...
That's a matter of opinion, some prefer several people being on par, I prefer it when the best man wins. Besides, Schumacher did not dominate all the time, there were lots of years where he had to fight against a superior car.
M Schumacher killed the sport with his constant victorys, it made it so boring to watch. OK he was the best driver ever but he still killed it. Since Hamilton and the other new kids have come on the scene its made it more intresting!
well,somehow i hate formula 1, its fucking boring, only the last 3 rounds are a bit interesting :p
i would fall asleep if i'd watch them driving around in circles more than 10 rounds
Go to an actual race. I'm sure you will not fall asleep ;)
F1 sucks big time
"its always funny how you discuss about things and think that you are right and everyone else is completely wrong "

you did the same fucktard
im not discussing idiot
It was Heidfeld's decision.
I heard after the end that if Hamilton will not be punished because of that situation with Raikkonnen, Ferrari will appeal...
Why doesn't that surprise me.
Well, how I saw it. Raikonen closed the space for Hamilton so Hamilton needed to stop his attack on first place. Hamilton could have used the break but he chose to go straight. That made him become in first place. He knew he had to give it back to Raikonen so he held his feet of the gas but as soon as Raikonen was next to him he pushed the gas and that made him closer to Raikonen (Closer=next to Kimi) than before the chicane. So he had profit of going wide in the chicane.
He was behind him. kimi passed him on the right side, lewis got to the back of kimi and passed him on the right side as well. If driving at the back of another man's car is not giving back a position, then I don't know what is.
Yeah well, it's a bit stupid if they would punish Hamilton because the race became fantastic. But I do think Hamilton was on the limit of the rules.
It would indeed be very weird to punish Hamilton based on what happened and if they do it becomes quite clear once again who Mosley's friends are.

Talking about rules and regulations, a driver is allowed to defend himself being passed by changing the line in which he drives one time only. Kimi did it twice before they reached the la rouche hairpin ;-) I bet nobody will bitch about that.
and the consequences of his actions are pretty big, so it needs careful evaluation imo.
Next they will complain that cars driving past their Garage in the pits could be "spying" on them.
They should appeal for punishment for rain too
ok then gtfo with your random comments
Was so obvious that Räikkönen would fuck up when it started raining.
F1 racing is fucking boring.
agree with razzah's edit :-D
Watching this brits vs the rest fight is much more interesting than the actual race
britain owns f1 bb
then I wonder why there hasn't been a British formula 1 world champion since 1996 ;-)
heidfeld fucking unskilled lucker :o
Massa wins, Heidfeld second, Hamilton dropped to 3rd place. 8-z
It's a harsh decision, but understandable since he probably would've been given a drivethrough penalty if it happened earlier in the race. I guess Raikkonen wishes he would've been more careful now.
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